Paul became "an apostle to the nations," but it was not because of his nationality, education, age, or long record of fine works. Often, fleshly-minded individuals view these as the factors that determine whom Jehovah should use as his instrument. May we never underestimate or prejudge those whom Jehovah chooses to use to accomplish his will.
Compare this with what the Watchtower wrote concerning who might be chosen to replace one of the 144,000.
Of course, any individuals proving unfaithful would need to be replaced. But, understandably, these would be comparatively few. And by whom would these be replaced? It seems reasonable also to conclude that most likely this heavenly hope would be extended to some who had endured in integrity, who had stuck to their dedication over the years, rather than its being held out to unproved newly dedicated ones. Watchtower, "Born Again, Man's Part and God's Part", 2/1/1982, pg 28
Appears that the Watchtower has been guilty of promoting "fleshly-minded" thinking!