Reading recent posts about the creation account, I remembered a thought I had as a teenager. Jehovah created two perfect people, sat them down in a custom-designed garden, tended to their every need, and told them to fill the earth with more perfect people. Given the explanation of free will, I suppose odds would dictate that a certain percentage of earth's inhabitants would stray and be cut off. But the fact that the very first two weren't up to snuff is quite disheartening. Not just one, but both failed, 100%.
The reason this worried me was because I was a mediocre witness at best. When A & E couldn't even be good long enough to get one more generation started, how was I, with all my faults, ever going to last long enough to grow to perfection? I'd probably be zapped the day after Armageddon, IF I lived to see that next morning. Didn't seem like very good odds to me.
Anybody else every worry about having to be better than A & E, i.e. perfection? Or was it just me?
Penny sogladtobeout Candy