I never could explain why God "allowed" Solomon to have a number of wives and concubines yet he never even got a reprimand! Or why birthdays are forbidden but anniverseries aren't.....What about you??
Were There Any Scriptures or Understandings That U Just Couldn't Comprehend
by minimus 48 Replies latest jw friends
Why God warned Cain but not Abel or his parents.
How a drunk Lot could have sex with his 2 daughters and get them pregnant on the first try.
Why Joseph is held up as a good example for not committing adultery even though there was no law yet but his brother Judah fornicated with a temple prostitute and nothing was said.
The whole concubine gang rape and cut up into 12 pieces story is incomprehensible.
Why a man and married woman/engaged woman would be put to death for adultery if she didn't scream but he could have sex with a virgin girl and all he had to do was marry her or pay a fine to her father. (women are property...it's not a sexual issue)
Why an Israelite man could marry a non-Israelite woman as long as she wasn't a Canaanite (see recent QFR which is the same old crap).
Just to start with.
Good stuff, Blondie!
A few select bits of it are quite sensible but seem to be in the minority. Could never make sense of any of it as a complete collection. And it has given me nightmares from the time I was a little little girl. I keep a copy as a curioddity and for reference purposes but it is not on my recommended reading list. For me, it ranks right up there with the Malleus Malificarum in its views and treatment of women.
Biblically and organizationally, women are considered 2nd class citizens. Today,under most situations, a sister can't even "take the lead" if a baptized minor child is in her presence.
I don't have to have my head covered to answer this thread, do I?
But it will be a good idea to cover your face to protect the innocent.
MM---put a tissue (preferably unused) over your head now!
...and why isn't this little gem still enforced: "...let the women keep silent in the congregations, for it is not permitted for them to speak..."?
I have a 3 year old...none of my tissue is unused (except for the stuff on the top shelf). Here, let me grab a doily...