Farkel, what do you think of this? Berta confessed in her 70's. She died at the age of 72. I think she knew that she was about to meet the grim reaper, and it was a death bed confession.
Rutherford Exposed: The Story of Berta and Bonnie
by Farkel 747 Replies latest watchtower scandals
I thought that I remembered reading about a poster here who was writing a book on Rutherford. I found it. But others have said that they know who it is, but did not want to say anything further. Should I also not say anything?
I haven't followed all the details, but couldn't Bonnie Boyd have been Rutherford's illegitimate daughter?
Hi Kenneson,
I thought that I remembered reading about a poster here who was writing a book on Rutherford. I found it.
Great News! How did you find the post? I have been having a hard time finding older posts here at JWD.
I am the one that keeps asking who is writing the Rutherford book.
I would like to know who it is.
but couldn't Bonnie Boyd have been Rutherford's illegitimate daughter?
Blondie! That is indeed a speculative statement!
Perhaps when Farkel posts Bonnie's picture we can see if there is any family resemblence to Rutherford!
: Farkel, what do you think of this? Berta confessed in her 70's. She died at the age of 72. I think she knew that she was about to meet the grim reaper, and it was a death bed confession.
It would be a perfectly natural thing to do. She knew she had done "wrong" things according to her religion, and then she was old, and wondered about her own salvation according to WT dogma.
She was the proverbial "soldier in the foxhole" and hoped that some MEN could give her absolution before her Maker. How idiotic. How is that different from the Catholic Church where MEN intervene between the penitent and GOD? If there is a God, she should have petitioned that God and not some window washers in a Long Beach Congregation Franchise of Book Sellers for salvation.
Barf. Poor Berta. I hope she has found peace beyond the idiocy she was part of that which was her destiny in her life.
Farkel -
Lady Lee
For those of you who are looking through old posts for particular info
Try looking in the Best of section under
The Best of... Rutherford info
As I find new threads (still have about half the board to do) I will add them to the thread.
Hi VM44,
Hopefully the following information will answer your question. In 1999 while researching my biography on Joseph Franklin Rutherford I had an interesting telephone conversation with Dr. Jerry Bergman regarding Rutherford's extracuricular activity. Dr. Bergman, who knew Hayden Covington, once asked the Watch Tower attorney about rumors that the Judge was a womanizer. Bergman said Covington replied: "If your wife was crippled and you were in the prime of your life, what would you have done?" I believe Dr. Bergman is also quoted in Leonard and Marjorie Chretien's book.
Judging by the posts to this thread JFR's sex life is a very hot topic. However, in my research I found that his political history is much more interesting.
Hi Athanasius,
Thank you for answering my question, as to where the Covington quote appeared (Leonard Chretien's book, "Witnesses of Jehovah"), and who is writing the Rutherford biography (You!).
Probably the interest in Rutherford's affairs has more to do with it being known by his associates, but overlooked and ignored. The Judge and the Jehovah's WItnesses at that time were so closely identified that any serious scandel concerning Rutherford could probably have ended the religion. Even now the Watchtower praises Rutherford for his qualities, and even says he is a good example for elders and circuit servants to follow! (ugh!)
Information about Rutherford's political career is scarce, about the only thing I heard is that he briefly campaigned for William Jennings Bryan when Bryan ran for President. (from the "Visions of Glory" book by Barbara Harrison).
I look forward very much to when your Rutherford biography will be published, and hope it will be soon. I will be one of the first to purchase a copy!
best regards,
cyberguy, would it be possible for the elder you know to write out his account? If he is worried about being identified, his written statement could be sealed and given to his attorney, not to be opened until after his death.
I'll ask him about this and let you know.