its just me ,,,,

by looking-4-the-truth 37 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • looking-4-the-truth

    hi everyone

    how are you ... and hope everyone is good. anyways, I'm a muslim guy and I live in the States ,,, I do love living in here ,,, and my wife is christain " mormon " ,,,,,,,,,,,

    and I'd love to discuse with one of you about the bible ,,,,,,,

    and I'm all ready to do that ,,,,,,,


  • LittleToe

    Welcome to the board.

    You do know this is a board predominantly filled with ex-JW's, right?
    Most have little interest in the bible anymore.

    What are you "ready" to talk about?

  • looking-4-the-truth


    how are you my brother.

    Actaully I'm having acouple question about the bibble ,,,,,,,,,,, and r u ready to discuse ,,,

    and thankx for the re

  • LittleToe


  • looking-4-the-truth

    what the bible says about prophet muhumad?

  • LittleToe

    The bible doesn't say anything about Muhammad.

    He lived from 579 to 632 AD.
    The bible was likely completed well over 400 years before he was born.

    Unless you're relating to his genealogy deriving from Abram's son Ishmael?

  • shotgun

    Welcome - looking

    How did a Mormon and a Muslim end up partners?

    What does your mormon wife say about muhumad and the Bible?

  • looking-4-the-truth

    why nothing?

    and it does not matter If he lived from 579 to 632 AD, according to your interpration the bibble have so many things to say about the rise of the soviet russia and abotu the last days and even about the Pope of Roman catholics?

  • LittleToe

    My interpretation says what??

    I think you have me confused with a JW.
    I gave up that cult a few years ago, and since then have had good cause to seriously research everything I ever get involved in.
    Have you and your wife done the same, or were you raised (unquestioningly) with your beliefs?

  • looking-4-the-truth

    hi shotgun

    how r you. hope everything ok ,,,, now I'm having a conversation with my brother little toe ,,, and its kinda hard for me to discuse with 2 people in the same time ,,,,,,,,,,

    thankx for the re

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