While as a global community we have been able to come together in matters of science, technology and sometimes even government, humanity has never really found the truth about religion. Whether one is true or not is where our conflicts begin. Whether you are Christian and believe in the Bible or muslim and read the Koran, both are sure the other is wrong. Our global confusion on what religious truth is leads to only one conclusion. Religious truth has not been found. Will we ever found it? What happens to those religions who claim to have the truth? ?.
Have we really found God??
by New Castles 14 Replies latest jw friends
New Castles
I found this on a tract left on my windshield. No name of org. or anything. Thought it was interesting....any ideas, comments, concerns, agreements, disagreements...
Religious truth has not been found
well IMO i agree with that.
BTW, I love the new avatar!
New Castles
I dont know, that kinda flies in the face of alot religious beliefs...its basically saying that we have no clue on what the true religion, let alone who God is....thats a pretty bold statement
btw, the avatar I got from the superman website, cool huh?
in another 2000 years i believe that society will have evolved past the need for the concept of a personal deity.
well, it may take longer, but think about it...
first, society has a superstitious understanding of the universe and god (weather phenomena are his personal expressions; the stars tell specific stories or give specific guidance; he must be appeased or even protected with different offerings and sacrifices). man sees phenomena which he can't comprehend and tries to explain them.
then, they learn how the universe operates through science, so they have to develop a more advanced theology to explain the loopholes in the earlier superstitions (christianity started out in many, many respects as simply a more secularly acceptable version of ancient greek mythology). this theology was force-fed to society for centuries through many avenues (the inquisitions, witch hunts, pretty much the whole dark ages, even now through some of our laws in this country). man learns what causes the phenomena and adapts his earlier explanations to fit.
only just recently, really, has it become acceptable to publicly question all things religious and voice dissenting opinions about the validity of these theologies. let that atmosphere of skepticism brew for a few millenia and i think humanity will have no further need for the superstitions or the complex theologies to explain them. man realizes that the earliest explanations for his universe are outdated and discards them.
i think that we still have religion because we still have unanswered phenomena and we have to come up with an answer (i.e. the beginning of the universe). science will continue to improve and teach us the things that we have no answers to at this time.
oh, sure...you'll always have religion and god to some extent, but on the whole, it will be obsolete. i read a book about the evolution of religion and spiritual concepts in the history of society. pretty interesting stuff.
New Castles
Very cool....all this interests me very much. How society could have been responsible for the religious beliefs we have today. Has anyone seen the video "The Hidden Truth" pretty intense stuff...
The universe does not operate "through" science. Science is the process of discovering how the universe works. Do not deify science or we'll wind up back where we started.
You are assuming that we aren't blown up, fallen into the sun, or converted to dubbism (It is in the Bible!) by then...
New Castles
The universe does not operate "through" science. Science is the process of discovering how the universe works. Do not deify science or we'll wind up back where we started.
that's not my intent. i'm simply saying that religion attempts to explain the universe through emotion; science explains it through the gathering and study of physical evidence. soon, (relatively) science will have explained the things that at the present time only religion can answer.
the things that we have no physical answer for at this time we explain using religion and emotion.
religion fills in the gaps that science has yet to fill.