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by flower 20 years ago 12 Replies latest 20 years ago jw friends
remember me and my little munchkin? this is what he looked like two years ago and today for his first day of kindergarten!
How cute! I hope the first day of Kinder went well for the little one, and the mama!
Oh my gosh...I remember my daughter's 1st of Kindergarten...I cried. Yesterday was her 1st day of H.S....it goes so fast.
Hope he enjoys Kindergarten!
Flower he is sooo cute and a smile to die for.
Oh wow flower what a cutie he is and has he ever changed!!!
STOP, stop him from growing anymore!!
He is sooooo cute. He has your wonderful, generous smile.
Hope all is well with you two and you are where you want to be now in your life.
Awe so cute and snazzy dresser too!
Flower they grow up so fast, enjoy every minute!
flower, he is growing way too fast! He is adorable.
so mom, how did you do on his first day of kindergarten?
aaaahhh flower he's gotten so big!!!! and handsome too Hope he had a good first day of school....and so did his mom.
Man, he's growing fast!!!