
by Angharad 40 Replies latest jw friends

  • waiting

    Hey Ang!!!!!

    Does Simon wear silk undies?

    Does Simon really talk that civily?

    Does Simon really fuss with his mom?

    Does Simon really sleep in flannel jammies?

    Does Simon really not know any curse words?

    Does Simon, uhhhhh, I'll think of more later.

    Good to meet his better half, as we say in the usa, finally!!!!


  • Seven

    Angharad, THANK YOU! Thank you for sharing Simon with us and for all the time he must spend away from you and the children to take care of this board. We all appreciate it very much.7

  • waiting

    Hey Ang!

    Did Simon buy you anything from Victoria's Secret online?

    Just thought of that one, btw.


  • Roamingfeline

    Hi Angharad!

    Welcome to the board! Glad to have you here.

    And RedHorseWoman, I'M LAST! lolol With the time zone differences here, by the time I read the board, just about everyone else has gone to bed!


  • spectromize

    Hi Angharad!

    Please let us know a little about yourself.

  • Angharad

    LOL The reason Simon is not welcoming me to the board is that he is soooo scared! while I'm sat here typing this he is loitering about behind me.

    Waiting - I have seen him wear silk undies on occasions, not usualy though, I have never seen him wear jammies, does he know many curse words - loads, especially when driving

    He didn't buy anything from Vicoria Secret cat but he did buy me something from a nice shop in the UK (if you hadn't noticed I've just worked out how it get these little faces).

    About me I was brought up in the truth, I used to live in Wales but moved to manchester when I married Simon.

    We met at a district convention, I was hobbling along with a large suitcase and a bad foot when Simon offered to carry my bag to the car park for me (isn't he sweet), we were then backwards and forwards between Wales and Manchester every weekend for 18 months.

    Thanks everyone for making me feel welcome.

    PS. I'll dish up the good stuff about him when he's not looking

  • waiting

    Hey Ang,

    This is so much fun!!!!! Glad you decided to stop lurking and join in. Now Simon can slap you on the shoulder, and say - you can't tell them that!!!!!


  • RedhorseWoman

    Hi Ang....BTW, did you know that your husband has told us he's planning to get you a REALLY fabulous present for no particular reason at all? Just because he thinks you're wonderful?

    (hehehehe) (let's see if Simon can squirm out of this one) (hehehehe)

  • Simon

    [>:(] RedHorseWoman - what are you trying to do to me, LOL !
    I bought her a big box of belgium chocolates today so I can claim it was those - nah nah !
    BTW: Don't believe her if she tells you I bought them for myself...or ate most of them myself...or, OK, OK, I'll buy her something else - Doh !

  • waiting

    ugggh? Simon? Have you been reading thread that Kismet started about buying gifts (payoffs) for women?

    Gold works well.

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