For example, not all murder is illegal. Take the recent hostage tragedy in Russia, the russian authorities are just as guilty of murder as the 28 terrorists. Knowing hundreds of children are at risk should cause any trigger happy military or police to give pause and search for other options. In this isolated case, storming the school and causing the terrorists to start killing hostages was in fact legalized murder.
Actually, on television, the explosion occurred inside the school while negotiations were underway. The hostages panicked and fled, the Chechnyan / Islamist scum started shooting, and everything went to hell. The authorities are absolved, and I'm just thankful people like you aren't in charge of dealing with scum that take hostages. You are hopelessly cuddle-bunny on the inside. It's sweet. As long as you don't vote. Why are the police automatically "trigger happy" in your book while the actual murderers, the islamo-fascists, are merely "caused" to start killing hostages? Does your screen name that demands the impossible, indeed, the undesirable, say it all? Go find Utopia. I dare you. You won't make it last. You'll either starve to death or live out Lord of the Flies in nightmarish agony. Stop trying to reform my life and get your Care Bears theology to some little cult in Great Plains. Stop daring to judge the world based on your fear of pain. THERE ARE NO OTHER OPTIONS! If we give them what they say they want they will just come back, take more hostages, and demand MORE next time! Like the militants daring to dictate policy to the French, holding those two journalists hostage until the Muslims have the right to not adapt to French culture... Either we find those kidnappers and kill them, or those journalists die. Or the French change their culture - but that will only buy a little time. Until the islamo-fascists find something else to kidnap and kill over. YOU AREN'T PLAYING CANDYLAND ANYMORE!!!
Anyway - there is no definiton of murder that everyone can agree on. That's why there are different degrees of murder in law. However, killing is generally considered wrong, even unforgivable, except for various mitigating circumstances.
So, let's define "murder" as picking out a person who has not harmed you and is not a threat to you or your property and injuring them so as to cause permanent cessation of life. An "innocent". Why would that be wrong? Well, if the victim is to be innocent, compeletely inoffensive, then you probably don't know them. All human contact creates offense, requires readapting our personal boundaries. Random killing causes uncertainty in society. "Am I safe?" becomes the paramount question. Just look for the next serial killer and the effect such a person has on the local society - it's pretty amazing how paranoid and frightened people become. (What options would you like to present UR? Nothing? Okay, then.)
So random killing merely creates uncertainty and makes commerce, development, anything like that, impossible.
Now what about personal killing? Some level of contact between killer and victim creates mitigating circumstance, without fail. "She made me do it," etc. Why is it still wrong to kill those you know without sufficient provocation?
I'm too tired to finish.