
by zev 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • zev

    If the Borg don't have the truth....who does?

    a question i've been pondering since learning of the deceiptfull ways of the borg.

    once one has the "knowledge" of good and bad, as it were, that the borg are/have lied to its followers, been deceiptfull, misused others quotations to suit thier purpose, and misapplied them, as so very well brought to us by maximus{which by the way, max, have you posted your story anywhere on the forum? I'd love to know more about you.}one has to ask him/her self, what else is there? what is the "way", the "truth"?

    just a few questions that i'm pondering as i continue to read ray's second book, in search of christian freedom.

    i'd love to hear your thoughts.

    Now feeling the pain of sitting on the pickets class.

  • GinnyTosken
  • zev

    interesting thought ginny

    Now feeling the pain of sitting on the pickets class.

  • terraly

    Yeah, Ray's second book is fascinating towards the end where he gets into what he thinks Christianity means/should be. Not that he exposes of the wrongs of the Watchtower isn't interesting, but after hanging here for a while I've heard a lot of it.

    I don't know whether I agree with everything he says though... but it's pretty clear he doesn't think anyone "has the truth"- and I think he's right on that. Any group that is sure they "have the truth" is
    a) statistically almost certain to be wrong
    b) dangerously prideful and too willing to do anything to perpetuate this

    I think I do agree with Franz that if there's anything to it at all it's on an individual level. This isn't to say that some association with other Christians isn't good- or maybe necessary (maybe), but it's that faith is personal, the only important questions are ones which every person can and should work out for themselves.

    "Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life." Is, as I think Franz mentions, not saying that because the Witnesses don't have it, no-one does. It's saying that there isn't some group you do have to go to get it- only Jesus.

    Now, whether this is a correct sentiment- whether there's anything to Christianity- these are seperate questions. But if Christianity is correct, then I think it says, "don't look for a 'right group' and blindly follow all their teachings if they have a couple ones right. Instead, look to God directly..."

  • Francois

    Couldn't agree more that it's an individual thing. If it is true that all who are led by the spirit of god are the children of god, then the trick is to get in touch with your father. that's an individual effort. i think i've made some progress in the technique, but i'm expecting to remain a seeker. I'd like to share with you though.


    Where it is a duty to worship the Sun you can be sure that a study of the laws of heat is a crime.

  • Introspection

    Well Zev, it seems to me to continue on the path of a seeker after being a JW or actually any traditional Judeo-Christian belief system, you have to not only change your thinking on specific points of doctrinal matters, but your thinking pattern in general. Actually, I think it's more a matter of expanding your perspective so you can atleast understand where others are coming from rather than a matter of choosing this or that, it's not multiple choice. I mean some things are just so different conceptually, far from the traditional anthropomorphic understanding of supernatural characters in the bible. Why not investigate for yourself? Have you read anything other than bible related stuff?

    "It is not so much that you use your mind wrongly--you usually don't use it at all. It uses you. This is the disease." -Eckhart Tolle, The Power of Now

  • LDH

    Zev I am agreeing with the others.

    I alone have the truth. At least, I have the truth that is right for me.

    I was reading a newspaper article about a month ago about a 98 year old woman who finished high school this June. She was asked to speak words of 'wisdom' to the audience.

    She told them, "I don't have any secrets to tell you. Half the fun is figuring it out as you go along." Ha ha, that was her whole speech.

    JW parents would do well to follow her path; instead of telling their children all of the truths that they think they know.


  • josephus

    Couldnt agree more.

    "The chruch is where you worship, not what you worship"


  • Farkel

    : If the Borg don't have the truth....who does?

    If you already know what the truth should be, then no search is necessary. If you don't know what it should be, you wouldn't be able to recognize it even if you stumbled across it.

    Ginny gave some succinct yet excellent advice to you.


  • SixofNine

    I think scientific inquiry is the path to truth. ie: question everything. Question what you "know" to be true. Question it from another's perspective. When it has stood up to all this tremendous skepticism and questioning, it might be true--you may indeed have found truth.

    If you ever get to that point, remind yourself of the words posted by Ginny. Find another perspective to question from.

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