How will Gen-Xers contribute to the fall of WTBS?

by LDH 37 Replies latest jw friends

  • dedalus

    Like Farkel, I don't think the WTBTS will ever fall, but I do think "Gen-Xers" will transform it drastically. One thing about us is that we never really carried a sense of urgency with our supposed convictions. Yeah, we are Witnesses, there'll be a new system someday, now let's get drunk and watch TV, okay? That was the tone of my Witness late adolescence/early adulthood.

    Thing is, since these Gen-Xers can't even convince themselves of their convictions enough to follow through with them to any meaningful degree (regular pioneering, elder stuff, etc.), how will they be of any use to the Society? Moreover, how will they convince THEIR children that "this is the truth"?

    I think it will take 20 to 30 years to see how things shake out. Maybe I'm wrong and there are enough goody-goody zealots (but god, how we "normal" Witnesses hated those of our age group who were like that, how we utterly disrespected them) to take the lead and run with it. I tend to think not, though.


  • plmkrzy


    [[[...if you remember the pink songbook...LOL]]]

    LOL to funny.
    I remember getting my brand new pink song book thought it was cool.:)

  • Elsewhere

    The WTS will maintain membership. There is a fool born every minute... then you have to divide them up between the different religions. The JWs will inevitably get some of them.

    "As every one knows, there are mistakes in the Bible" - The Watchtower, April 15, 1928, p. 126
    Believe in yourself, not mythology.
    <x ><

  • SYN

    Well I'm Generation Y, so HA! *GIGGLE*

    The Internet Generation.

    You know you're a child of the early 2000's when:

    You know what "right justified text" means.
    You've never met most of your friends.
    You think people dressed HORRIBLY in the 80's
    Your country isn't waging a war on drugs, but on 'terrorism'.
    Your President says things like "Axis of Evil" on live TV.
    Your computer's graphics card is faster than some of the government's classified military hardware.
    You can steal gigabytes of software from computer stores with your iPod.
    You know what gigabyte means, and megabyte and kilobyte too.
    Apples are translucent and sometimes covered in flowers.
    Atari 2600s are collector's items and worth quite a bit of money in good condition.
    Kylie Minogue is your favourite 'mature woman' crush object!
    You've never really played on a street at all, you were too busy Instant Messaging your buddies on MSN.
    Yahoo isn't something you say when you get laid for the first time.
    You tell your friends to play a game with you, and they start plugging computers into hubs.
    Your watch has more processing power than the computers that took men to the Moon.

    "...the greater will be the beneficial effect, because you get more of the ultra-violet rays, which are healing" - The Golden Age
    [SYN], UADA
    - Unseen Apostate Directorate of Africa.

  • Reborn2002

    Im inclined to believe that Generation Y is indeed the catalyst which will trigger MAJOR shakeup within Dubdom if not their very doom.

    I am 21, so I definitely fit right into the middle of the age bracket for Gen Y. I am older than the 16-17 year olds who are still underneath their parents roof and because they are minors are bound to follow their parents rules, but younger than the 24-25 year olds who have ventured on their own for the most part and already determined their life choice and if they want to be a Witness or not for life.

    Judging upon my own personal experience, while I WAS an active Witness, my social circle contained at minimum 40 or 50 friends from about 4 congregations locally, and my closest friends or "clique" perse was roughly 15 people. Ironically, out of the 10 young brothers (including myself) in my age bracket and 2 sisters who went to my hall, only ONE sister out of all 12 of us remains a Witness, and she has been reproved 2x and DF'd 2x for sex.

    The majority (8) of the men who left that were my friends and my age did so because they saw the blatant hypocrisy and the lies even as teenagers. They either became inactive or DA themselves. The remaining two were caught for marijuana use and sex respectively, and chose willfully to never return.

    Now that congregation has a widening age gap in which the youngest MS is in his early thirties, and the next closest young male brother is 14 or so.

    From what I know of the teens there, they are younger siblings of most of the people I grew up with, and as soon as they get old enough to make their stand, they will not be JW either.

    Were living in remarkable times. Considering the WTS has prophesied the end is SOO near for SOOO long, and even I am old enough to remember the pre-1995 Generation doctrine about "those that lived to see the events of 1914 would by no means pass away" and was disgruntled that an alleged "inspired" prophet could change its mind, and I noticed the glaring problem and felt that way at 14.

    I foresee at the very least a significant drop in membership and numbers. Surely they will use a spin-tactic that it is even more important to remain in the Organization because "the love of the greater number has cooled off" but in this Information Age with past doctrine and quotes so readily available, and with youth being weaned on the Internet and how to access computers from kindergarten, those with any legible intelligence will walk.

    To compound upon this, I also see another thorn in the WT side. The demographics of the membership will change. It already IS changing. It will be the fringe of Society. When I was young you had at least a large amount of respectable, "normal" families. Now I see the trend being stubborn, frightened old people who are too afraid or unwilling to rationalize that they've lived a lie, or outright ignorant/poor/psychologically needy younger/middle-aged people supplementing the rest of the Annual Yearbook numbers.

    Interesting times indeed.


  • LDH


    We all know it's the Gen-Xers that kick ass. What have you crappy Gen Whiners ever done? You live in your basement apartment and bitch about not wanting to pay child support to your "Baby Momma" LOL.

    We both know Gen Xr's are where it's at.

    Big Hair Class, LOL

  • 144thousand_and_one

    35 is the cutoff? I don't think so. Billy Idol was the lead singer of a band known as "Generation X" when I was in junior high school (1978 - 1980). That was before his successful solo career. BTW, I'm 36.

  • Reborn2002

    Well without a doubt, Generation X paved the way. Now it is time for the next generation to make their mark.

    BTW, LDH, every time I see your picture in your profile when you post I just have to stop and stare for a minute, why must you be involved and so far away! You are sooooooo damnnnnnnnn CUTE.


  • Seeker4

    Being a Baby Boomer with three Gen X kids, I found some of the comments on here really perceptive. I'm no longer a JW, but my 28 year old daughter is, which gives me a chance to see the Witnesses from her generation's viewpoint.

    For myself, I took being a Witness very seriously. Baptized at 11, MS at 20, elder at 26. Pioneered out of high school, no college, of course.

    I see almost none of this with Gen X. I could not imagine my son-in-law as an elder or even a MS. His view, and that of many, many of his friends, is just what Dedalus wrote: "Yeah, this may be true, but lets get drunk and watch TV." I would say the irony that dominated in the 80s and 90s is the dominant attitude of Gen X, and ironic black humor does little to create a stable core in the WTS. They need people COMMITTED to the cause, true believers, and there are few of them in that group.

    And Reborn2002, you write amazingly well for a 21-year-old, and you even think!! Holy shit, any chance you're getting some education??

    The Gen Xrs I know just don't take the "Truth" that seriously, and they are aware of the problems, (even if they're willing to overlook them). A lot of them have screwed around with alcohol, drugs and screwing, they've just covered it up, more so than any other generation yet, I would say. The rule of thumb in the past decades is that only one in eight kids raised as a Witness would actually remain a Witness. I wonder if that percentage is going down? Reborn said that only one in 12 from his Hall remained, and that most of those who left did so because they didn't believe it anymore.

    I think that statistic is changing. I would say most of those in my generation who left did so, not because they doubted, but because they got involved in wrongdoing. A fair amount of them came back in later years, and it was common to hear people who were DFd say, "I still believe it's the Truth." Maybe that's not so anymore - god, I hope not. Now when I hear someone say they're trying to get back in, I ask them "Why?? Are you crazy??"

    One Witness couple I know are withholding financial help to one of their 20-something daughters unless she attends meetings - so she's going, though she is obviously being forced. I think that's a desperate attempt to get the kids to fall into line, and will backfire. And I also agree with Reborn2002's description of the current org as: "Now I see the trend being stubborn, frightened old people who are too afraid or unwilling to rationalize that they've lived a lie, or outright ignorant/poor/psychologically needy younger/middle-aged people supplementing the rest of the Annual Yearbook numbers."

    It is unlikely that the WTS will die totally out, but it will likely become more fringe than ever. Personally, I see the lack of interest on the part of journalists toward the Witnesses, not as some sort of conspiracy to keep bad news about the JWs out of the press, but simply an indication of the lack of genuine interest in the group by most people. It's not so much that Witnesses are hated, but they're just ignored as unimportant, and growing less important each passing year. It's become a dinosaur religion that even long time members are less than enthused about. A source of comfort to the old timers, a place for socializing for younger ones, a place to leave for those who think.


  • Reborn2002

    Thank you for the compliment Seeker, however that is an entirely different thread!

    Actually getting an education was one amidst many of the vast reasons which slowly eroded my belief in the Tower.

    I graduated high school at 16, and subsequently had a "Witness party" to celebrate such. Of course the Elders in their omniscience sought to provide life counsel as to what I should do next. My father was already DA'd and encouraged me to go to college. My mother who to this day is a Witness was at least flexible enough to let me decide for myself.

    Anyway, the Elders seemingly unanimously felt compelled to quote Scripture after Scripture to me and to ceaselessly encourage me to full time pioneer and make Bethel my goal.

    Now obviously if I did that, I would have had no time to pursue a college education or a job with which to make money or learn more about life to stand on my own. So I blatantly asked them to their faces:

    "Is that why you have a full-time job and drive a $60,000 car in a $200,000 house with a family and you NEVER went to Bethel? Is that why you as an Elder dont pioneer now? How do you presume to tell me what I should do for my ENTIRE life and it's choices when you didn't do it yourself?"

    Believe me that got them angry. Even then I was questioning the hypocrisy and double-speak. "Do as I say and not as I do" if you will.

    I knew they wanted me to be their golden child and example. As a youth I unfortunately did reach out even while in school and auxiliary pioneered and read at Book Study, so they would have something to praise themselves and others about "producing" later on.

    I knew then there was something seriously wrong within the "Organization", but I had not developed the proper social skills or enough diverse of a perspective to be certain I was right, hence I had not acted yet. Alas, I graduated from college with a BA in Business Administration in 1999 as 2nd in my class with a 3.97 G.P.A.

    To any out there who are "lurkers" who read and dont post, or who are reading this and are on the "fence" and uncertain if they want to pursue an education or not, or are frightened of walking away from that "Organization" I implore you to follow your dreams and fight! Get an education and to live for yourself, not what some man-made articles and principles dictate you should do. If God is love is truly a God of LOVE, he will love you for you and not because a publisher card has you registered as an "active" Jehovah's Witness. Philosophy, ethics, and religion courses helped me immensely in overcoming my indoctrinated fears of abandoning God by leaving the JW. If you do sincere enough research for yourself, you will find endless discrepancies and flaws in their doctrine and history, and no "true" organization inspired by God would lie or change repeatedly.

    Feel free to email me if you seek information about lies the Watchtower has repeatedly spewed from their literature. I lived as a JW for 20 years, I was "born" into it, and even now I fight the fight against them because some members of my family including my brother, sister-in-law, and inevitably my 1-yr old nephew shun me simply because I took a stand for my own beliefs, and had the courage to speak out against it.


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