Logans thread on murder had me thinking of a tale shall we say and i would like to know if you feel this is murder or? ,,,,,,,,,Two people live together ( a man and a women ) and they are both severe drunks. They are living in an upstairs apartment and have been drinking non stop for weeks. This one particular day a fight breaks out over who knows when the women pushes the man down a flight of stairs and he dies. Now the women is so drunk she does not know that the man has died even after weeks of smelling death. He is found only after a neighbor calls police to check the odor is the women questioned and then released with no charges.
Would you consider this murder or?
by kls 34 Replies latest jw friends
i'd say manslaughter 1, maybe man 2.
It depends on her state of mind when she pushed him. If say, she lured him to the stair's edge just to push him and kill him, then YES, it's murder. Even more so if she had been planning this for days. If, it was a spur of the moment thing, you could still argue murder. If she pushed him with intent to hurt only and happened to kill him in the process, then it's manslaughter
Been there
It was totally and accident. Nobody saw her push him down the stairs. She even heard him slam the door when he left. That's my story and I'm sticking to it. That doesn't explain why she had to step over the body for weeks as she went out for a beer run though.
It would not be murder because there was no intent. It could be manslaughter because her actions caused his death. Then again she was insane to have a stinking body in her house for weeks. I'm so confused.
in my eyes it is death by misadventure/carelessness, because if people habitually get so incapacitated as to not have any control of themselves and allow that situation to arise, they are asking for it, and i think they are better off dead. (better off dead than wasting peoples time and tax payers money to clean up their mess.)
even if she pushed him on purpose i would see it as death by carelessness.
in the laws eyes:
if the woman admits to pushing him and not reporting it, then i think it would probably go down as manslaughter, this would all depend on what she tells the cops about how it happened.
if the man pushed the woman down the stairs and didn't report it, he would probably get a murder 1 rap, because he's a man.
i think the whole case would depend on what the woman says in her statement, and if she was so drunk as to not know what to say, the case would depend on what the cops assumed.
I'd say she wins in a KO not a TKO but a real old fashion KO
Anyone with a sound mind who knowingly engages in nonsense and high-risk activity deserves what they get. Whether it's a fall down the stairs and whatever that leads to, or a jail sentence for murder. They're both idiots.
It is also natural selection culling the herd. Do I smell a Darwin Award in the making?
Seems to me "pushed" him may be better stated as "assaulted" him. This is a death the direct result of a crime. It seems much like when a drunk shakes his/her baby not intending to kill it. Or when a kidnaper accidentally kills his/her victim. Murder one.