12 years of schooling (and never stayed back, either) for me.....And you??
How Well Educated Are You?
by minimus 57 Replies latest jw friends
Oh yay.. a thread for people to grandstand on!! I am in my forth year of college myself.. yay me!
zen nudist
graduated 9th in my senior class, had 2 years of electronic engineering and dropped out because the world was ending (^_^)
have studied psychology for over 13 years outside of schools as a hobby.
even came up with some theories on my own validated by actual researchers I learned about later.
Nah, I wasn't looking at it like that, Stinky. I know many JWs that never went to college. I think a few here have gone to get more schooling. And some of the smartest people I know had to work for their families when they were 16 and never even finished school.
I'm one of those people who reply "some college" when asked their level of education on quizes.
I have college certificates in Business Law, Conflict Management, Interior Design, and the Fundementals of Engineering. I suppose with the amount of time I spent getting certificates I could have a decent degree by now, but unfortunately I could never make up my mind, and I've had to support myself since 17. I started my own business and got into real estate without a formal education in that field, and I'm doing great thus far.
Migraines prevented me from finishing school, the rest is street smarts, the school of hard knocks.
Guest 77
I left school at age 14 due to an illness I've *still* got. I have just begun an online English course to try and get a GCSE: the exams 16 year-olds take here.
Glitter, of the thicko class. -
I finished grade nine because I was shipped off to Saddle Lake Reserve. My Grandmom was a teacher there(grade 2/3), I lived with her and only missed two days of school all year. Yeah for me! Then I took adult upgrading and got my G.E.D. Yeah for me! Then I took a computer couse about 14 years ago, because I had to. Yeah for me. I haven't used a computer since I came on this forum. Yeah for me!
love michelle
I started working a college degree taking my time trying to keep it fun and me out of the poorhouse. Learning should be he goal, not the degree.
I graduated with honors from "Screw U."