Ever since I attend the DFing announcement of a friend I seem to be on the shit list of every jdub i come across especially mother. I am at Taco Bell getting a bite to eat minding my own business and an elder is there eating his lunch as well. He engages me in conversation about the weather and I was just waiting for him to get to his point. Finally he does and he asks me what I think about respecting your parents. I was like yes we should respect our parents. He asked me if I have been respecting my mother. Now in the past I would lose my cool and cussed him out. Not this time.
As sweet as could be I asked why are you asking?? He says that my mom had been speaking to him and that she has been very depressed about my attitude. I was what attitude as sickenly sweet as I could be. He went on about how I would not acknowledge phone calls and when we did speak I would roll my eyes at her and not listen. He quoted some scripture about having an obligation to provide for our parents and another to honor and respect them. I asked him if mother was hungary. He said you know what I mean.
I asked him what business this was of his. I told him it was a family matter and none of his business. What was his answer?????.,,,,,,,,"I am an elder". I was like sooooo. Again what business is this of yours?? He did not have an answer. I just laughed and I said your not use to people telling you to mind your own business are you. Again no answer. I asked him if he tried to fix family problems on a regular basis. The elder said yes I give counsel. I then asked what his educational background was to dispence such "advice". He told me I use the family happiness book and I have no college background. He told me he didn't need it. Prayer and the literature was all he needed. Now I was giving him the . I told him no "untrained volunteer" was going to be giving me any advice. He didn't get that (JR Brown).
So anyhoo he reminded me that my mother deserves respect and I told him I would gladly set down with him and mom but only after he became a licensed therapist. Until then he needed to mind his own business. I stayed about 10 more minutes. He did not engage me in conversation again. I am very happy with how it went.