Or, is it reflected in everything? While waiting for my laundry at the mat, i noticed the reflections in the glasses in all the machine doors. Looking at different ones, i could see different areas of the place reflected. If i looked at it from different angles, i could see almost everything. So, each glass door contained info of almost the whole laundrymat.
Taking a step up in scale, scientists found a rock planet orbiting a star light yrs away. They were able to do that by enterpreting information collected/reflected in the lenses and films (probably ccd's) in their telescopes. What had happened light yrs away was having an effect on something in front of those scientists.
In and w their special instruments, scientists are able to observe and enterpret these minuscule effects. Might those distant bodies also be producing effects in other matter on this earth, or even in ourselves? For instance a lake surface, the liquid in a flower, or even in our brains? Might those effects go unnoticed by us, as do a million other things every day? Might they be there, nonetheless in the subconscious, needing only an adept of the subconscious to notice them? Could scientists eventually create instruments that can tune into anything, anywhere?