Think about that for a moment....... If Jesus was a JW(as JWs claim), how would he have handled various situations?? For example, if Peter denied him 3 times, what would've been different? Or if the disciples fell asleep the night before he was to die, how would a Jesus Christ Jehovah's Witness have handled it?.......You get the idea.
Can You Picture Jesus Christ Being a Jehovah's Witness???
by minimus 32 Replies latest jw friends
Interesting question. I remember an elder once musing about the fact that someone who sins and gets disfellowshipped has to wait a year before getting reinstated, and much longer to be used in any responsible position in the congregation. Yet here was Peter, who actually denied Christ, and yet scarcely 40 days later he is giving a "public talk" on the day of Pentecost. Seemed strangely inconsistent, I had to admit. But it didn't seem to shake his faith in the borg (or mine, at the time).
I can't really imagine Jesus shunning someone. What? No service report this month???? (shun, shun) You're not coming to the assembly??? (shun, shun)
Can you see Jesus, underlining in his WT?
Will Power
My goodness, what a great question.
They are always saying how they are trying to be "Christ-like"
A great situation would be where the men wanted to stone the adultress to death which was law at the time. I remember reading an article once that you couldn't stone nowadays cause it is against the law! How do they handle these situations? Did Jesus even have to talk to the woman? Did he want to hear all the naughtly details?
Would Christ lie to protect himself? or to make his Father more appealing?
Would Christ even hire a Jehovah's Witness to look after his flock?
great question
I kind of "lost it" when Jesus was used as an example of an obedient child in a WT parenting article. Tongue in cheek, I speculated that Jesus went to the meetings in his little suit and tie, distributed magazines to his classmates, abstained from partaking in Hannukah, commented appropriately in the meetings, and never contradicted the elders.
When his disciples came back from spreading the good news, did Jesus ask for their time cards? Did he ask how many placements they made?
Did he submit articles to the Talmud?
How would an elder have rated one of his talks?
Great responses!!!!!!! Imagine Jesus Christ being a JW and telling the story of the widow's mite. That widow would be questioned as to whether or not that was REALLY the best she could give. Couldn't she "do more"?
I kind of "lost it" when Jesus was used as an example of an obedient child in a WT parenting article. Tongue in cheek, I speculated that Jesus went to the meetings in his little suit and tie, distributed magazines to his classmates, abstained from partaking in Hannukah, commented appropriately in the meetings, and never contradicted the elders.
Actually, it appears that Jesus DID celebrate Hannukah:
Joh 10:22-24
At that time the Feast of the Dedication took place at Jerusalem; it was winter, and Jesus was walking in the temple in the portico of Solomon. The Jews then gathered around Him, and were saying to Him, "How long will You keep us in suspense? If You are the Christ, tell us plainly."Otherwise, why was He in the Temple at the time for the celebration? Would a JW go and hang around where Christmas was being celebrated?
Undaunted Danny
Jesus washed the feet of his apostles,but i just couldn't see him bobbing the roving microphones.
Little Jesus might have been given "privileges" in the synagogue. But if the Rabbi didn't think he was appreciating his privilege of synagogue cleaning, he might be talked to by the Rabboni in charge. Poor little Jesus.
Would Jesus disfellowship? Would Jesus protect child molesters? Would Jesus shun his fellow believers?
None of the above.