Cause and Effect 101.
Obi Wan Kenobe tells Luke Skywalker: "Trust your feelings, Luke".
Listen to people say they will: "Go with my gut feeling".
Mystics, Guru's, meditation philosophers, all tell you the "answers" lie within your "feelings" and the source of true knowledge is not__outside__but, "inside".
Can this be true?
Let's take a look.
Our bodies don't have to be told when something hurts or feels good. It is innate. We are wired that way. Pleasure leads us forward and pain pulls us back.
Such "feelings" are not emotions; but, a barometer of basic alternatives which protect us from injury and death.
Man is born with an emotional mechanism. It is a blank slate (tabla rasa). Man's mind has to "program" this mechanism consciously or it is __inadvertantly__done by unconscious forces.
Mankind's __mind__is the result of either THINKING or EVASIONS.
One chooses values consciously or it is done by default.
Let us look at DEFAULT:
1.Subconscious associations
2.Blind faith
3.Someone else's Authority
4.Social osmosis
5.Blind imitation
In other words, our VALUES are either OUR OWN by choice or they become DEFAULT values.
Life on Earth is life or death.
We choose actions that enable life, improve conditions of life or.......
actions that lead us into a downward spiral of self-destruction.
That is the role of VALUES. Values tell us how close we are to our goal of a better life OR how far away we are from a better life.
A Rational person uses their mind to discover the__source__of emotions. The rational person asks :"What are my basic premises?"
A wrong premise leads to a wrong conclusion.
In a CAUSE and EFFECT universe our actions lead to effects. If we know why we take action we know what effect to expect.
EMOTIONS are never a cause.
Let me repeat that: Emotions are never a cause.
This is backwards.
The mind is the cause and the emotions are the effect when Conscious programming has set our values.
But, when unconscious values have been set for us by default, it "seems" as though EMOTIONS are causes and our mind is at effect.
The "inward" seems to be "other" only when we have not used our own mind and thought process to SET THE VALUES. We follow our "heart", and "go with our gut" and look "inside" and act surprised at what we find!
A rational person uses a ruthlessly honest commitment to introspection to weed out __values__that have been set there to discover the source. Was it conscious and logical? Or, was it unconscious and alien?
Unconscious choices are vicious illusions that can ruin our lives.
Unconscious emotions are self-deceptions.
There can be no __causeless__love or any kind of __causeless__emotion. An emotion is a response to a fact of reality, an estimate dictated by your value standards.
Do you know where your strong emotions come from? Do you think they should be __obeyed_?
Or, do you "own" your emotions because you set their values?
What is the source of mankind's woes (other than accident?)
Man pursues CONTRADICTIONS. Man wants to eat his cake and still have it.
This irrational goal setting is at odds with reality. This is civil war between emotions and mind. A disintegrated consciousness leads to a disintegrated life.
You either are in charge of your thinking or SOME BLIND PROGRAMMER has set the values for you!
What do YOU know and how do you distinguish it from what you FEEL?
Do you own your emotions are do you blindly follow them as private gurus?
Agree? Disagree?