Brain surgeon or easy bake oven chef?

by seven006 54 Replies latest jw friends

  • seven006

    Which one are you more qualified to be?

    Mnimus is out of town on business, I'm just filling in for him while I wait for my jeans to finish drying in the dryer. While I type this (jeanless), my butt cheeks seem to keep sticking to my black leather office chair. Why does that happen? Has anyone else ever posted here while jeanless and waiting for their clothes to dry?

    For those who smoke and have done this or want to try this, I have a warning. Do not answer a non cordless phone. That curly little cord going from the phone to the hand piece can accidentally knock the fire off your cigarette and land right on your...ah...leather seat. I'm trying to quit again, I just developed a new incentive. Got damn telemarketers!

    Damn, where did I put my Maverick sized box of band aids?


    BTW Easy bake oven chef for me.

  • Margie

    I smoke, but I have many pairs of jeans and only cordless phones -- both to the chagrin of my boyfriend.

    I'll go with Easy Bake Oven chef for two reasons. First, I'm starting to think about what to cook for dinner. Second, I have a weak stomach when it comes to blood and guts.

  • seven006


    Blood and guts? I'm no brain surgeon but I don't think there are any guts in your brain. I have two pairs of jeans. I don't have a girlfriend. Why would your boyfriend be upset that you have a lot of jeans? I don't get it.

    I just took my jeans out of the dryer. They were a little damp but I figured the coolness might be a bit soothing on chair seat. Maybe I should reconsider this going commando thing. It worked for Joey on Friends so I thought I would try it.

    I just realized, the Joey character in Friends was an idiot.

    I don't think Iv ever done a fluff post before. It's kind'a fun. The thread topics were getting way to serious today, I just thought I'd try it. I have to leave soon. I'm going to practice walking around a little bit and then I'm going to go. I'll come back later to tally up the results.


  • seeitallclearlynow

    It is fun seven and I must say you're doing an awfully good job of it!

  • seven006


    Good at what? Going commando or starting a fluff post?


  • Margie


    Certainly the brain has blood. As for the guts, I'm guessing that one would encounter guts in medical school before becoming a brain surgeon. Like you, I'm not a brain surgeon, so the preceeding guess is exactly that. Although, now that I'm thinking about it, cooking does involve both blood and guts from time to time. Ew, maybe I should just stick with frozen dinners.

    As for my boyfriend, he is a ludite and hates technology, including cordless phones. Yet, he also hates spending money, so he refuses to buy a corded phone when we already have plenty (two, to be exact) of functional cordless phones. Plus, I think he just likes to complain. About the jeans, he thinks I have too many clothes in general. Also, he'd like to see me naked more...or so he claims.

    I hope your damp jeans soothed your, um, office seat chair. I would imagine there are few things more painful than a burn on seat chair.



  • seeitallclearlynow
    I don't think Iv ever done a fluff post before. It's kind'a fun.

    Now David, don't make me fix you up with the date from hell!

    (Since you don't have a girlfriend or wife; and we can refer to Simon's thread for the reason! LOL!)

  • seven006


    ***Like you, I'm not a brain surgeon***

    Don't sell yourself short, there is a real art to cooking frozen dinners. I live on them. If you don't use the right setting on the microwave your fish sticks come out like breaded sushi. If you cook it too long it's like eating your younger sisters first attempt at cooking meat loaf roof shingles .

    Cordless phones are not what you would call extremely high technology. His TV remote is more sophisticated. Try hiding that for a day or so and he'll gain a whole new appreciation for high tech hand held devices that take batteries to make them work (I'm leaving this one open for the more perverted minded friends of mine on the board to make a smart ass remark about).

    ***About the jeans, he thinks I have too many clothes in general. Also, he'd like to see me naked more...or so he claims. ***

    Your boyfriend says he would like to see you naked more and you don't believe him? Well, definitely hide the damn TV remote and save all your laundry up and only do it once a month. That will teach the bastard.

    My owee is feeling better. I think it may blister a little bit. If I didn't start this thread, and didn't want it to get out of hand and get locked, I'd make a smart ass remark right about now, but, since I did, I'll just let it go. Where are all my smart ass buddies? Does NBC, ABC, and CBS all have another celebrity bathing suit super model truck pull special on right now?


  • bem

    7006 I'm not one of your smart ass buddies but I could play one on the forum .

    If brain surgery involves anything like whats coming outta the top of the head on your avatar! wouldn't want to be one!

    Since I cook a lot and frequently for a living. Andddd theres no more choices...I proudly say Easy Bake Cook.

  • Stefanie


    Brain Surgeon!

    And send my worse enemy in so i can Muck her brains up.......

    *does the happy vodka dance*

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