also from "Facts for Shareholders":
IF THE Shareholders desire to defeat the present President and Treasurer and any of the pseudo Board of Directors in disapproval of the present temporary management, they should remember that scattered votes will never accomplish the purpose. As many will always vote for those in power, we therefore suggest that the Lord may have indicated to us at the time of our Pastor?s death by the association and presence with him of Brother Menta Sturgeon, that he would make a satisfactory President. We suggest, therefore, that Brother Sturgeon be voted into the office of Director, and then voted for by those wishing to select a new President.
Those who think that Directors should be commended who have the courage to do right at all hazards at the cost of position and livelihood, should vote to sustain the deposed Directors. We suggest this as an encouragement to them, and that future Boards may pursue a righteous course always.
The following are the names to be voted for Directors and officers: 1. MENTA STURGEON, Director and President 2. ALFRED I. RITCHIE, Director and Vice-President 3. M. CLAY ROCKWELL, Director and Secretary-Treasurer 4. J. DENNIS WRIGHT, Director 5. ISAAC F. HOSKINS, Director 6. ROBERT H. HIRSH, Director 7. ANDREW N. PIERSON, Director
You can also read about Russell's last days as related by his personal secretary and traveling companion, the above-mentioned Menta Sturgeon, at:
including the one (and only?) prophesy to actually come true:
Brother Sturgeon, seeing the end approaching, prepared a telegram to the Bible House as follows: "Before the close of October our dear Brother Russell will be with the Lord in glory;" but before he sent it added the words- "we are alone and Brother Russell is dying like a hero."