When the WT was found out to have registered as a NGO with the UN it was big news. Who was the person that first discovered the connection? --VM44
Who first discovered the UN connection?
by VM44 11 Replies latest watchtower scandals
I think it was Stephen Bates of the Guardian Newspaper.
Days after he wrote this article, they resigned membership.
IT Support
Bates' comments seem to indicate he did not originate the story:
Disaffected members of the 6m-strong group, which has 130,000 followers in the UK, have accused the Witnesses' elderly governing body of hypocrisy in secretly accepting links with an organisation that they continue to denounce in apocalyptic terms...
A former member said: "There is a glaring inconsistency which has emerged between the WTBTS's frequent portrayal of the UN as an evil organisation and its behind-the-scenes attempts to curry favour with that organisation. Were individual members to be aware of any formal link they would be devastated.
So did someone else--i.e. one of these "disaffected members"--find out about the story then 'feed' it to Bates?
If memory serves, the Guardian was also the first paper to run the news of the change from disfellowshipping to disassociation in transfusion cases, a change that the WTS had not yet made public. So they obviously have some good ex-JW contacts who have inside sources.
And I believe it was SeattleNiceGuy, who got the letter writing campaign going here, that helped "motivate" the UN to post the info on their web site.
I think it was Kent......and the whole thing unfolded right here on this board...it was such a shocker, for me anyway......
I have never heard of this and have no clue what everyone's talkin about?? Sounds interesting.
You're in for a treat!
Sarah: I would first start clicking on that link...that is a good start for you.
my .02
Melba Toast
The french connection comes from Canada, I dont think Ahawk (sp?) is from Quebec but he did most of the research anyway, i beleive.