Any ideas? I'm shopping online for birthday presents for my husband's 3 year old twin cousins (1 boy, 1 girl). I really don't know what 3 year olds like or what is "hot" right now in the toy business. Any suggestions?
Best 3 Year Old Toys
by desib77 21 Replies latest jw friends
nesting blocks and just plain old wooden blocks *old school* are good....also about 3 the walking is in full swing so other toys like the bubble w/little wooden marbles or the other walking/popping ball toys are good.
District Overbeer
The Leap Frog learning system is just great. It is a bit pricey, but they could share it.
Boys love trucks those big metal ones Tonka trucks I think they are called.
Girls love dolls, soft cuddly ones that they can change outfits on and probably feed a bottle to also.
Kate (who still has dolls)
Buy them some Barbara Streisand 8-tracks. They'll have fun ripping them apart :)
Frannie Banannie
Anything that makes musical sounds with a beat...they LOVE 'em and you'll be amazed at how many electronic musical toys/gadgets there are out can even find stuff at your local dollar store!
Frannie B
I thought this was cute!
Little Tikes Buzz About Mailbox
Price: $14.99 -
Thanks, Stephanie....I think one of them would love that....
My 3 year old daughter loves those inexpensive packages of plastic animals (farm, jungle, dinosaur, etc.), horse figurines, movie action figures (Toy Story, Shrek, A Bugs Life), castles/barns/dollhouses, cars/trucks, art supplies (paper, color books, crayons, finger paints), pop-up books, Leap Frog Quantum Pad, and her new Baby Newton "Fun with Shapes)" CD-ROM from Baby Einstein. She also likes using the art program on my old MacIntosh computer.
Have fun shopping!
Buy them anything, as long as it comes in a good box. Throw the toy away.
Seriously, some glue, paint and cardboard is **the best**
Remember too that if it makes a noise, what sounds quite loud and maybe funny at the busy toy-store will be deafening and annoying as hell when it's at home. If it needs batteries, move on ...