Sorry may have given the wrong impression - The scan showed a boy. Still got a few months yet.
Suggestions for baby names please
by hippikon 63 Replies latest jw friends
My mother's name is Deirdre; it's not a made-up name but it's fairly uncommon, even less so in 1935 than it is today. I imagine she spent much of her life correcting people's spelling and so forth. She *never* answered to any nicknames that I remember.
She gave me a name that she actually did make up -- a variant on Michael, her father's name. I have spent all my life correcting people's spelling AND pronunciation and have grown to find it amusing. Very few people can both spell and pronounce it. Some people can do one or the other.
When I began elementary school, my teacher had the brilliant idea of nicknaming me "Kelly" which is a kind of truncation of my real name. I tolerated it until the eve of middle school, when I announced that it was to be deep-sixed forever.
I have NEVER answered to "Michelle," the most common mispronunciation.
I named my children Deirdre (and, yes, she corrects people's spelling and pronunciation) and Joel. Joel goes by the name of Ungtartog sometimes. I didn't do it!
Miss Gently Feral
P.S. Tell your son Isaac that Ike sounds very butch, and that I commend him on his good taste.
P.P.S. Remember the "porn star name" game we played at Tishie's, where one of yours was Bad Ass Jones?
Mommie Dark
Yes Feralwoman, I remember that game. Didn't we also take our pet's name and our street name to get a porn star name? So I could be Vanilla Liberty, or Esme Prospect (we live at a corner so I can use either street, LOTS of possibilities) or Peaches Liberty (I like this one).
Any one of which would be way more desirable than the handle I got saddled with in real life.
BTW Ike's name is Isaiah, not Isaac. Poor kid! Too bad common sense hadn't yet reared its head when he was born.
I still say, nice simple names, easily spelled, are a favor to our kids. There are still thousands of choices even if you eliminate all the tricky ones.
I love the name 'Dierdre', also Phoebe and I like Rebbie Jackson's name but would spell it Rhebe. (I'm still pondering a tale of lesbian twin sister porn stars named Phoebe & Rhebe... I am holding out for the Olson twins to play them! ROFL
About the name Madison for a girl: It is a real cute name, but there must be a zillion of them. Princess had a birthday party for her daughter today, for all girls. Three of them were named Madison, out of 6 invited girls. Only two came but it gets confusing. Too common.
While we are on this subject, I have to say this: The girl's name that used to drive me nuts (in the 60's) was Kim or Kimberly. It seemed like every family had a Kim. Think about it.
For a boy, it was Todd. I literally came to hate that name. And every mother who named her son that, said she wanted to name him something different! Remember this was 40 years ago. How many Todd's and Kimberly's do you know in that age group? (35-40)
In the late 60's and through the 70's the most common name was Tiffany. Now I have a daughter in law named Tiffany and a cat with the same name. My son (born in '79) named the cat after a girl at school. Makes for some fun conversations, like when I say "Tiffany was chasing a white cat up the street"..........or "Tiffany was licking Dave's nose".