Thank you all for your thoughts.
Now the most challenging part is getting him sleep in his crib. We'll see how that's going to go.
by sunshineToo 19 Replies latest jw friends
Thank you all for your thoughts.
Now the most challenging part is getting him sleep in his crib. We'll see how that's going to go.
CONGRATULATIONS!!! I'm so glad to hear everything went ok.
can we pleeeeease see a picture?? pretty pretty please???
Congratulations Sunshine!!
Congratulations! Let me tell you the little buggers grow up fast! One minute you're burping them and the next minute they're getting their first driver's license! I too remember the pain 38 hours worth, so I only have one. Everyone is different.
Can we see a pic please?
Babies are so sweet. Enjoy this precious time together--it goes fast and don't worry about the housework--it will always be there. Lots of love and hugs to you and baby. Get as much rest as you can and eat very well (very important)--fresh air and sunshine too!. You will feel a lot better real soon and the pain will pass--give it some time.
Congratulations Sunshine. Babies are God's gift to parents. Cherish every single moment, even in the midst of diaper changing, feedings, colic, and sleepless nights. This all will pass. Then..there's the next batch to crap to deal with! :) But, it's all worth it. I LOVE being a parent. I LOVE being a grandparent even more!!!
Will you accept a belated congratulations?
I'm very happy for you.
When Nina had her first baby, she had a broken foot and had to deliver in a cast. I actually had a function: I held the cast so it would not hit the doctor. As a result, I had a front row seat and saw everything there was to see. It is a fascinating and beautiful experience. It also made me glad I'm a guy.
Congrats Sunshine
Belated welcome to the baby and hoping the families is getting .
it's all worth it. I LOVE being a parent. I LOVE being a grandparent even more!!!Truer words I could not of said myself!PB
Sunshine take lots of pictures and every time some one says they grow up too fast believe them,
And appreciate the time it flies by. congrats (((mommy)))