When I was a pre-teen I became aware of how someone?s looks at birth made such an impact on their lives. First by the fact that all the bad guys in movies were ugly and the good guys were handsome. I would wonder why ugly people were bad or was it that bad people became ugly?
It then became easy to notice that if you are attractive you are treated with more respect, kindness and courtesy. When you are treated this way you can only feel better about yourself and end up with more confidence and self esteem. Certainly there are exceptions, but on a whole I think this to be the case.
Back then I thought it would be ultimately fair if our looks truly reflected our personality. Like some "magic spell" being case so that as someone treats others with respect, kindness and courtesy that their own features would change and they would become beautiful on the outside - as they were on the inside. And vice versa.
After all what could be a better motivator to be a good person? As you see yourself being a jerk your features would become more monstrous and as you changed your approach toward people, it would change.
I know this is corny. But why are the bad guys ugly? Would you like to see a ?magic spell? cast so that whatever people were on the inside is what they look like on the outside?
( I think this is one reason why BB like this are great, we see each other more from the inside. )