Many readers of this journal and its companion, Awake!, enjoy the artwork portraying the coming Paradise earth. Of cause, we do not know exactly what the Paradise earth will look like, and the pictures published are simply artisic impressions based on such Bible passages as Isaiah 11:6--9.
Nevertheless,one Christian woman said:"When I see pictures of the coming Paradise in The Watchtower and Awake!, I examine them closely, as one would a travel brochure. I endeavor to see myself there because this is where I truly hope to be in God's due time."
Are you focusing on the reward? Have you ever doubted whether you will enter the new world?
So, if you have doubts, you need to focus on the reward. How do you do that? The article goes on to instruct and shows picture for the rank and file to study and meditate when you have your Bible study, to go out in the field service, door to door, and make the meetings. Dont let financial difficulty tempt you to relegate Kingdom interest to second place.
Most of all, keep looking at ( THE CARROT! ) the Artwork portraying the coming Paradise earth.
From The Watchtower April 1,2004.
The Society knows that the Carrot is all that they have left and will continue to use it on the rank and file.I discarded the Carrot some time ago, I hope you have too.