no elaboration needed!
Cheers, Ozzie
by ozziepost 28 Replies latest jw friends
no elaboration needed!
Cheers, Ozzie
Little Toe,
I know what you mean, you are prepared.
Freedom is.........
not having to wear a tie!
not having to wear a tie!or panty hose
or panty hoseOh yes!!!! Mrs Ozzie likes that one! How true.
...making my own choices based on my conscience guilt feelings "just because" - I only feel guilty now when I actually did something wrong.
Freedom is......... not having to wear a tie!
lol Ozzie! I shoulda recognized your motto a-coming when I read the thread title. There is a lot of truth in that little motto, though! I think I have come to love freedom so dearly, and I'm still just beginning to touch on understanding the depths of what kind of a gift it is. Life without freedom... what kind of life is that, even if there were no pain? Freedom gives meaning to every other gift we have. Freedom could be another way of understanding salvation. A great question, Oz! bebu
"...this." Any this you want, and also not at the same time. Thing is, if you've pegged freedom down in some way, you've just lost it.
that little buzz of happiness you feel when doing something you want to do.
"Freedom's just another word for nothin' left to lose ..." Janis Joplin {the great 20th century Texan philosopher} and I agree with her. You are never really free if you have anything you are responsible to or for. I believe that Plato would also agree with Janis.
But, that said, freedom from state religion, freedom of choice of birth control, freedom over your own body, freedom to vote, freedom to own land (yeah I know but not to do w/ it as you will). Freedom to come and go from our hemisphere to another;from our country to another. Freedom to speak out about irrational leadership and complain loudly about the all encompassing erosion of common sense. You get my point...