Well, let's see. 1) The flood story has been proven time and time again to be scientifically impossible according to the laws of physics that the religious story tellers of the time had absolutely no clue about. 2) The answer about the "proven" existence of meat eating dinosaurs that is impossible "not to believe in" before the flood myth was written also blows it out of the water so to speak. 3) The joke about the earth being completely covered in water and within a week it dries out, desalinates all the plants, instantly dries them out and makes them sprout leaves is beyond laughable. 4) Having eight people feed and clean the stalls of over 80 million animals for a year when it takes over 45 years just to load them on the imaginary boat also makes me chuckle. So, having the son of man do as they did, fits perfectly. It's all part of the biggest joke played on mankind and it's beyond absurd.
If you believe there is a god, and he created everything including the laws of physics that work not only here on earth, but in the entire universe, you call him a liar if you believe even the slightest bit of the flood story. If it is a myth, then anything referring to it as a fact, such as what you quoted, also is a myth. That is logic, physics, and intelligence speaking, Logic and scientific proof are not things needed to believe in myth as a psudo scientific, and historical fact. Just ask your local Hindu, Buddhist, Mormon, Scientologists, JW, Treckie, ete., etc., to prove that statement.
But of course, god can do anything, even fracture and completely contradict his own "never changing" creation of the heavens and earth to make a nice story. I guess god himself wasn't familiar with the "proven" laws of physics he supposedly created. As long as there are people to believe this line of story book fantasy, I guess the scammers will for ever have a mark to rip off and fill the offering plates.
Am I in my house, yep and it doesn't have a mote, dragon, or boogie man living underneath it.
Michelle, you seem like a sweet person. Do you really think this is the best place for you to do your preaching? There are a lot of intelligent and educated people here who have grown up and can understand the difference between religious mind control techniques based on old mythical camp fire stories and what science and archeology have proven to be absurd.
Why don't you try a fundamentalist Christian site, like Mikey in the Life Cereal commercial, they'll eat anything