I'm sure we all who have read "Crisis of Conscience" by Ray Franz must have wondered if Governing Body member Carl Klein had it in for Ed Dunlap. It sure seems like he was a manipulator,,he was even censored by the GB for it,, in reference to Ed Dunlap and even told to leave him alone. I think we should think about it,, for a moment,, and think about how much it must have stuck in his craw,, for being censored.
I'm sure that he must felt a small measure or perhaps a large measure of glee when Dunlap was DF'd.
When Ed(72 years old) and His wife(?years old) were thrown out into the street at such an old age. Think of the utter disreguard the GB had for all there years of loyal service to the organization. I shudder when I think of it!!!
There has to be some very evily motivated ones on that body.