Did GB Member Carl Klien gloat over Dulaps Demise??

by frankiespeakin 15 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • frankiespeakin

    I'm sure we all who have read "Crisis of Conscience" by Ray Franz must have wondered if Governing Body member Carl Klein had it in for Ed Dunlap. It sure seems like he was a manipulator,,he was even censored by the GB for it,, in reference to Ed Dunlap and even told to leave him alone. I think we should think about it,, for a moment,, and think about how much it must have stuck in his craw,, for being censored.

    I'm sure that he must felt a small measure or perhaps a large measure of glee when Dunlap was DF'd.

    When Ed(72 years old) and His wife(?years old) were thrown out into the street at such an old age. Think of the utter disreguard the GB had for all there years of loyal service to the organization. I shudder when I think of it!!!

    There has to be some very evily motivated ones on that body.

  • Farkel

    Among Bethelites, they used to say that Klein was "braindead from birth." Klein was certainly no intellect and his only claim to fame would have embarrassed most people: he wrote many of those crappy Kingdumb melodies in the song books.

    It wouldn't surprise me if Klein was very jealous because Dunlap was considered a scholar by those in the org. and was well liked by just about everyone.


  • frankiespeakin


    Did he write the melodies or lyrics?

  • DaCheech

    How would he support himself out there?

  • glitter

    Did he write the melodies or lyrics?

    The melodies weren't so much *written* as nicked from Disney... :D (Keep Your Eyes on the Prize)

  • czarofmischief

    Yeah, I've heard so many songs from the forties that I was raised to believe were the songs of the angels themselves. Anybody ever heard "Till I hold you in my arms"???

    I once heard Klein give a recruitment speech for Bethel. This was when i was starting to realize that I just didn't fit in. He announced that "those who listen to rap or heavy metal have no place at Bethel."

    I also noticed the co's that I hated nodding and smiling. Gently, so they didn't lose their toupees.

    I figured, why the heck not, and went and bought Highway to Hell by AC/DC. It was all downhill from there. Alllll the wayyyayayayyyyyy!!!!


  • frankiespeakin


    I don't think Dunlap got very much from Social Security because he couldn't have paid that much into it being he devoted so much of his life to the Org.(40 years fulltime service).

    He did work for his brother when he left at age 72,, hanging wall paper. I know his brother also got DF'd for letting him work for him,, even though his brother was a prominant elder.

  • frankiespeakin

    I'm sure the ruthless treatment of Ed Dunlap, by the GB causes many a old timer in Bethel to weigh his words very carefully. Lest they be out in the cold.

    There ought to be a law about this type of mistreatment of the elderly by the Organization.

  • Farkel


    He wrote the music for the Kingdumb songs. Whether he also wrote the words, I don't know, but the libretto in that classic of dub classics "From House to House" is every bit as dumb as Klein was.

    Another Klein Klassic was blurted out when he was accepted onto the GB. He stated he had just been given "the most important job on earth." What a twit!


  • frankiespeakin


    Now I am very limited in music,, but "house to house" yuck and double yuck.

    Daaa da da/ da da daa da da/ Yuck.

    I think the borg played on my sense of guilt to get me to like that music,, and turn away from rock&roll. I can never forgive them for that. I used to feel guilty when I turned up the volume of other types of music to enjoy it. Dam they can sure fu*k with your head.

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