Kind of a milestone of sorts.
Not that there is anything wrong with a JC Penny's suit.
It's just that this was the "status quo" kind. (All guy dubs will know EXACTLY what I mean by it.)
The last couple of times I've went to the meetings, I stopped wearing them anyway.
In fact, I stopped wearing a tie.
Not so much out of disrespect, but I found that there are a lot of ways to look formal and respectful without wearing one.
As I look back, to me it's just amazing how you were totally judged by your outward appearance.
You could tell exactly how "strong or weak" you were in "the truth," based upon how well you fit into the mold.
I guess I'm not surprised.
I remember my first counsel on fitting "into the mold."
It was in the 80's, and part of the fashion then was wearing shoes with no socks.
Not that I was enslaved to fashion at the time, but we lived in a coastal region and socks were optional all the time anyway.
I guess it's just funny how you exchange one fashion trend, just to be enslaved to another fashion trend - their's.
And I can't really remember all my thoughts back then. But I believe it was to the affect of - WTF???
"I mean, here I am changing my life over - and the most important thing is how I dress???"
Anyway, thanks for letting me rant a little tonight.
I feel a lot better.
Threw Away My Last JC Penny's Suit Tonight...
by Confucious 19 Replies latest jw friends
Yeah, those cheap ass suits.
I always wore bizarre ones; but alas! I find that I'm not young anymore. So I threw them out, but still hold on to my 40's vintage sportsjacket, and tie. I could never wear it again, unless it was to freak people out.
My other suits went into the trash too. I only have one left; a 3 button bunk suit. I hate it, but it'll work for a funeral. I don't have any more dress shoes, thank god.
Those cheap suits that I bought and wore for years... I miss them not. They are awful, awful, awful. In fact, I tried to burn one, and IT WOULDN'T BURN! IT WAS DEMONIZED...
Well, that's enough of hijacking your thread.
Good for you!
I had a weird flash back moment this week. Was filling out my daughter's school papers and one question asked "Do you celebrate holidays?" for an instant I thought of writing a paragraph explaining why I no celebrate to the FULL - but decided to just write "Yes" - no since in my daughter being plagued with the past that I have.
As for the suits - us gals had a lot of the same thing. I used some of the suits at work for a while - but finally discarded them all because they held bad memories. Bought myself a new wardrobe that was "in style" (according to the latest Cosmo) - ha ha.
By the way....
I now go to a church (not every sunday - but when I want to) - where most people wear jeans & t-shirts. Very few actually dress up. Even the pastor doesn't wear a tie. He says the focus should be on "coming as you are" and being transparent - ie: focusing on the inside and not the outside. I rather enjoy going to church on a hot Sunday morning in shorts & tank top and fitting in - it's great!
I opened the wardrobe about a month ago to discover that the moths had finished off my last suit. Thanks guys. :)
I've always wondered if the JW were going to keep up with the fashion trends. I know they always fight to be different, and to stand out (even if it is like a sore thumb) so people know they're JW's. Really though the world has for the most part dropped the suit and tie nessessity. 20 years ago it was unheard of to see the President in anything but a suit and tie, now you see him in press interviews and in confrences with his staff in jeans and a denim shirt. I've seen several pics of Tony Blair with out the suit and tie. When the leaders of the country are dressing down, that really shows a change in fashion trends. When I was in sales, I was told NOT to wear a tie, ever. And definately not a jacket. It intimidates people, it makes them think that you're phoney, trying too hard to impress others. It's not about being disrespectful, it's about the world in general saying, it's not needed. Will the JW's change? Just like any of thier policies, wait until the next WT and see!
As for me, I would go to a place that sold used clothes for $1 a pound for my meeting clothes. My favorite suit was plaid, mostly burgandy with some brown and I wore a solid green tie with it. When I grew a goatee and wore it to an assembly, I got looks. It was funny, for me anyway.
Nice thoughts. -
I know I'm weird but I like to dress up occasionally and haven't been able to bring myself to get rid of my
meetingdress clothes. A girl just never knows when she'll need them.......besides I have a lot of $$$ invested in them! You know matching heels, handbags......I'm such a geek!Kate
BTW Confucious, I'm glad you feel better getting rid of the suit. I too got rid of my favourite Plaid meeting suit, but that was due to gaining 35 lbs after getting married (135lbs to 170). Mind you I needed it. I looked awful thin! The pics still haunt me!
Goodness Kwin,
We weren't allowed to wear plaid.
A brother once wore a courdoroy (spelling) suit and was looked at with crossed eyes.