From: Nicolaou (Original Message) Sent: 28/12/1999 22:41
If abstention from blood is such an important requirement from Jehovah (I can think of no other whose obedience and adherence to may result in loss of life), why was it not listed in the 10 commandments He gave to Moses?
Modern day Jews, especially the most orthodox, have been reading the Hebrew scriptures and in particular the Torah daily and in the original language for more than 3500 years. They are dependant on it, they philosophize over it and they have proved many times over, particularly in the 20th Century that they love the Law of God more than their very lives. Why do they not forbid the medical use of blood?
An Israelite could eat an unbled animal that died of itself when necessary, (Lev.17:15) and the result of this would only be ceremonial uncleanness requiring bathing and washing of garments. So why does the Society argue that we must disfellowship those who unrepentantly accept a blood transfusion when necessary to save life?
The Society have reasoned that the decision of the governing body in Jerusalem in the 1st Century as recorded in Acts.15 is an affirmation of the continuance of these aspects (the necessary things) of the Mosaic Law and that they are thus binding upon Jehovah’s servants today. However, on many occasions Jesus was willing to set aside the Law in order to save lives or simply heal the sick. He condemned the Pharisees legalistic interpretation of the law (Matt23.23,24), condemning them for not being willing to set aside even a letter of the law for the benefit of the people.
Why should we disregard Jesus example in this matter?
In Acts 15:29 we are told "to keep abstaining from things sacrificed to idols and from blood..." Why do the Society say that the first admonition to abstain from [meat] sacrificed to idols should be viewed as symbolic of the issue of idolatry but the second admonition to abstain from blood be viewed as literal?
If a man were told by his doctor that for health reasons he should abstain from meat, would he be considered obedient if he quit eating meat normally, i.e. through the mouth, but accepted a kidney, liver or heart transplant in order to save his life?
On page 8 of the Societys brochure, ‘How Can Blood Save Your Life’?, the statement is made, "a transfusion is a tissue transplant". How then can it be viewed as eating blood since there is no digestion or nutritional benefit involved? Can it be an organ transplant and a meal at the same time?
Verse 29 goes on to say that we should abstain "from fornication". Since the Society have reasoned that food offered to idols may be eaten, and that some blood components may be used, would a little bit of fornication also be considered a ‘matter of conscience’? If not, why not?
On what basis does the Society use the phrase ‘sustaining life’ with respect to accepting blood transfusions when those words never occur in the Bible?
Why can we accept and benefit from the donated blood of others but not donate blood ourselves? Is this not selfish and hypocritical?
All of the foregoing questions have been an appeal to reason, to use the mind. I hope you will not condemn me for using just one appeal to emotion, to use the heart.
What should I do? My child is gasping for air. His blood count is perilously low. His heart rate is 200 bpm and climbing. The doctors have told us that without a transfusion he will die of respiratory distress and heart failure. Blood expanders will not help at this point, he needs more red blood cells to provide him with oxygen.
He is horribly pale and listless and, with wide eyes, he looks at me and whispers "Help me daddy".
He is frightened.
Should I let my child die based on the word of the society whom, though I trust and accept to be Jehovah’s organisation, I also believe are in error in regard to blood? What should I do?
Should I let my child die? Is this really what Jehovah and Jesus expect of me? How will I feel if the blood ban eventually becomes a matter for personal decision as with organ transplants and vaccinations. Will I be able to forgive myself? My child! My child! What should I do?!!