update on Joy and Steve

by Mulan 71 Replies latest social current

  • Mulan

    I just talked to Joy and she said to tell everyone they are fine. They lost electricity so can't get on computers.

    Tornadoes came through awhile ago and killed two people, but they are doing fine, and have 5 strong young fellows, with them, to help when things get too bad later tonight. The water is now in their yard, on the yard side of the picket fence, for those who have been there. High tide is in a few hours, so they expect water to come into the house, and they want to stay and sandbag if necessary to minimize that.

    Where they are the prediction is for tropical storm strength winds (not hurricane force) and she said they can ride that out pretty well.

    She also told me to stop worrying (yeah, right) and she would call me if there was anything to tell.

  • seven006

    That's good. Now tell us the important stuff, how's the boat?


  • StinkyPantz

    I'm really glad to read that they are okay . They have been on my mind all day. I was happy to learn that Orlando wouldn't be affected this time, but I'm dismayed to learn that it's hitting J & S ..

    She also told me to stop worrying (yeah, right)

    She likes it, trust me.. Everyone likes to know that someone cares enough about them to worry. I don't have that.. <woe is me, right?>

  • morty

    So glad to hear that they are safe for now.....Lets hope those sand bags donnot have to come out...

  • Mulan
    That's good. Now tell us the important stuff, how's the boat?

    The boat is in the bay, anchored. I hope they used a Volkswagen as an anchor.

    She also said not to believe everything you hear on the Weather Channel............they sensationalize everything.

  • simplesally

    If I lived near the beach, I would try to build my house up off the ground a bit. Especially, I would have a 2 story so I could put the downstairs furniture up there so it would not flood out.

  • LittleToe

    Glad to hear they're weathering it well.
    Thanks for the update!

  • Mulan
    Especially, I would have a 2 story so I could put the downstairs furniture up there so it would not flood out.

    They do have a 2 story house, and it has a concrete core. They have emptied the living room, where there was a piano and a large screen TV. They have a generator going for the refrigerator, but are mainly in the dark.

    **trying not to worry too much**

  • xenawarrior

    Thank you for the update Mulan !!! I'm glad they are okay and they have help when the time may come to need it.


  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    If they can make it through the night, they'll be all right. CNN says Ivan will hit somewhere between midnight and 1:00 am.

    I think they'll be okay, although I do think the first floor will get flooded. The winds coming around from the south will blow the sea water right into that living room. Especially with the sea already at the fence. As I remember, it's not that far (and fairly level) into the house.

    Thanks for the update Mulan.

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