I called my daughter tonight, and after small talk, eventually asked her......
What would be the reasons a j.w. would get disfellowshipped?
She was very responsive, and gave me these answers.(These are not word for word, but are close enough to it).
Her..."For only serious sins, such as fornication or adultery".
Me... " Smoking?
Her... "Not sure".
Me...."What proof would they have if someone denied adultery"?
Her... They would have to have a person accuse them of doing it".
Me... "Suppose the accused person said they were innocent of that sin?"
Her... " The Elders will approach the informant and make sure of the accusation."
Me..."Is it like confession, as in the Catholic religion?"
Her... No, you don't have to confess to Elders, just to God". "If it's a serious sin, you can ask Elders for help with it".
Her..."They won't disfellowship a "weak" person, (such as) If they are trying not to do the sins anymore, but are having difficulty doing that".
Me...."Any other reasons for disfellowshipping, such as if you question doctrine?"
Her... "No other reason.... I ask questions all the time, and they answer them, or show me where I can find the answer in the Bible".
Me..."What about if the person is baptized already, can they still ask questions on doctrine?"
Her..."They won't get disfellowshipped for asking questions, even if they are baptised".
So, That's pretty well the whole conversation. Quite different than what I am used to hearing.
Is this the usual way that new Bible students are taught?
And how close is this to the real "truth"?
Your replies are very appreciated. Thanks.