Still Demonstrating/Prostesting at the KH and Support is Growing
by Corvin 80 Replies latest jw friends
Corvin...WOW, You are a powerfully active and loving Dad. Your children are lucky that you are not afraid to stand up and fight for them. I say that your actions are caring. Sometimes it takes the adrenalin of anger to get the motivation gears oiled...but after that it's pure goodness.
zion sleeping
Hey all the best to ya, we are going to protest the Kingdom Halls in Canada soon.
How the hell do I get to modify my text ???
I did it once, now I cant do it anymore??? -
The only thing that really concerns me about some things that have been said is this: We all know the WT 'watches' these boards and we all know they have a fleet of very clever lawyers and lastly...we all know what they will do in the name of "spiritual warfare"...they'll lie.
I'm just not so sure I would advertise everything I thought, Maybe I'm paranoid, maybe cautious.
Good Luck, Corvin
A very very hispanic JW woman approached Mike and asked in heavily accented broken english what he was "advertising". Mike laughed and said it was something her church practiced on a daily basis. She tried witnessing to him and Mike was dumbfounded at her stupidity.
I just thought I would give you guys a little something to chuckle about.
What an odd statement, hmmm................
We all know the WT 'watches' these boards and we all know they have a fleet of very clever lawyers and lastly...we all know what they will do in the name of "spiritual warfare"...they'll lie.
They will do what they will do. Let's see just how important this little stink in San Diego is to them. Some keep telling me what kind of a mistake I might be making. Coming after me just might be their mistake. I am pissed and have nothing to lose. My kids are safe and the judge has ruled what he has ruled. Let them come after me if it means that much to them.
A very very hispanic JW woman approached Mike and asked in heavily accented broken english what he was "advertising". Mike laughed and said it was something her church practiced on a daily basis. She tried witnessing to him and Mike was dumbfounded at her stupidity.
What an odd statement, hmmm................I just thought I would give you guys a little something to chuckle about.
Yes, brown, she was very very very very hispanic, in fact, the most hispanic person I have ever seen in my life, even more than any of the hispanics I knew while I lived in Mexico, B.C. and attended a spanish speaking congregation where I gave parts on the ministry school while speaking very very very fluent hispanic spanish as opposed to the very dutch spanish spoken by most indonesians living in the carribean. And the very very very very hispanic woman's question was extremely stupid and typical of morons who just happen to be hispanic Jehovah's Witnesses. It was like watching Hank Azaria from the Bird Cage trying to start a Bible study with Nathan Lane, but in drag. It was very funny. Yes, brownboy, ethnic stereotypes are very very funny and can be very very very funny without a hint of racism if that is what you are implying. Ethnic stereotypes are used throughout literature, TV, theatre and movies, and are used to make us laugh our arses off when we reconize it and identify with it. She was typical hispanic woman from south of the boarder speaking in very funny broken english and OMG it was very very very very funny in the context of the situation. What? Nobody told her about apostates and picket signs???? Now that is funny, and she was stupid, not because she was very very very hispanic, but because she was trying to convert and/or redeem Mike from apostasy with her preach-by-numbers Reasoning From The Scriptures publication. Now that was funny!
BTW, I thought you had left . . . and FYI, Mike, my future son-in-law is very very very hispanic too. His very hispanic mother and I attended hi school together. Both Mike and his mom thought the very hispanic JW woman was an idiot too.
Happy Guy :)
Hi Corvin, I am new to this site. Sorry to hear about all of the difficulties you and your family are experiencing. One interesting thing I noticed is that many people have commented: some cheering you on; and, some expressing concerns but it appears that everyone is supportive and genuinly concerned for you and your family and that is very nice to see.
Since I am new to this site I am going to take extra care in keeping my opinions to myself. If I had been around for a while then perhaps we would know each other better and I would have obtained a measure of credibility in your eyes but that is not the case. For now I would like to share with you my experience because it is similar to yours. I will only mention a few brief points because I could write a book (yes just like everyone else here). I was not raised as a Jehovah's Witness but I was lucky enough (or some would say unlucky enough) to fall in love with one. My ex-wife was raised in it her whole life and she had experienced a variety of abuse including sexual abuse from both her family and an MS outside of her family starting at age 4 (her earliest recollection of being fondled and being forced to fondle back). While we dated and during our marriage my ex was not an active JW and in fact was a smoker etc. Over time and during our marriage she displayed obvious signs of emotional and psychological instibility. Despite my best efforts she refused to participate in therapy. Our marriage did not survive. She has since been institutionalized for her psychological disorder. Unfortunately when we split there hard feelings and she wished to use the children to hurt me. Naturally her JW family were all to eager to direct this course of action. Worse still the Watchtower legal department were also all too eager to participate. In short they litigated me to death in our divorce and for years tried to legally frustrate my attempts to remain in my children's lives. They had no regard for the children or their best interests and only sought to cause legal havoc.
In the end I could not meet their legal war financially. I was up against multiple lawyers and a slew of legal clerks some of which were assigned full time to our case. They even coached their witnesses on what to say and how to say it and co-ordinated mock trials over 3 months with each witness seeing how the other would answer so they could co-ordinate testimonies. One of thier lawyers was disbarred resulting from my case because he had inappropriately taken almost one million dollars of estate money willed to the Watchtower to subsidize his practice and our divorce litigation while also billing a government funded legal aid plan for over 40 thousand dollars related to the case. They essentially bankrupted me with massive legal debt and that hurt me and my children. In the end they won because I could not continue to fight. I can still remember as though it were yesterday showing up in court and representing myself (because I could no longer afford a lawyer) just trying to get a Judge to enforce an access order and watching the Judge scold my ex's lawyers for the 35th time to tell their client to behave and sending me on my way like the Judge had somehow fixed things knowing full well that my next cross country access trip there would be either no one home or they had moved for thier 8th time.
Several years later my children were placed in my care by Youth Protective Services (wow what a surprise). My ex is in psychiatric care. Thank God I have an education and and work in a lucrative industry but I still feel the sting of those years of litigation. I can't begin to tell you the level of malice involved in their litigation but everything you could imagine; they did. One thing I know is that my children rely on me as their emotional anchor. In order to be the best I can be for them it means letting go of the bitterness of the dastardly acts of my ex and the JW lawyers. Every once in a while the children will express hatred toward their Mom because of the years of abuse she heeped on them. They were beaten, deprived of food days on end and threatened to be killed and disposed of "where no one would ever find them" and yet I always repond to them "Let me tell you of the beautiful and wonderful women your Mom was when I knew her before she got ill." The best thing I can do for my children is let them feel the love in me and not the anger however difficult that can be at times.
God bless you Corvin and good luck with healing your family.