What Truths Lie Within Your Character???
by dh 17 Replies latest jw friends
El blanko
That was actually fairly accurate, aside from the parts about business.
I am not particularly aggresive when it comes to business .... hmmm mind you, if you can count Halo as 'business' then maybe so!
Thanks for the link, off to bug my friends with it.
Well that was fun; I tried to copy the results and had difficulties! Darn it.
I'm going to take it again and try again to reproduce the results for my reply.
Novel - LOL
It seems vaguely on the mark.
Can you tell I'm a Sagittarian, with Scorpio rising?House: Sand
You make sure that your financial decisions are safe and secure. You are wary of taking risks and are overly cautious that tends to let golden opportunities slip from your grasp!Shirt: Blue
Preferring a more casual appearance, you are more comfortable in jeans and a t-shirt than in a suit. You don't like over dressing for any occasion, although you never look scruffy.Rose: Red
You are aggressive in business, but tend to take the backseat when it comes to your personal life. You are more comfortable talking about work than relationships.Car: Silver
You value highly what is important to you. Some people may find your possessions a little out of fashion, but you don't mind as they appeal to your taste.Cell: SIlver
You are very sociable! You are the center of attention and have great stories to tell. But this often prevents from establishing deep relationships.Bear: Peach
You are very considerate. Friendship is the world to you, and you are friends with everyone. Be careful, as sometimes this works against you if you are too trusting. -
It really was astonishingly accurate. Apparently I'm practically perfect in every way.
(I was all prepared to give a deep evaluation of my own character on this thread. But this was fun too.)
We have a Mary Poppins in our midst
That was spot on!
Bits were accurate.... but the following - PMSL!!!
Elegance is essential. It doesn't matter if you are going to the opera or the to the corner shop, you make sure that you look fantastic.
Bull! <= but a very elegant bull at that!!
Being a sensible person, you prefer to research any situation before taking action. You don't trust anyone's opinion but your own. You handle your money carefully and accumulate it in small, but secure, increments. That, in particular is so true.
Preferring a more casual appearance, you are more comfortable in jeans and a t-shirt than in a suit. You don't like over dressing for any occasion, although you never look scruffy. Couldn't be more right on!
Variety is the spice of life! You are comfortable in any crowd or situation, and always come away with new friends. True.
You make sure that your possessions will boost your image, no matter whether it's a necessity or not. If one of your friends has it, you must have it as well. This is the only one that is off. WAY off! I don't give 2 shits about image or what other people think, I just like red cars
A good listener. You are comfortable allowing others to take the spotlight and share their adventures. You are protective about your friendship and ensure the best for your friends. Very true of my true friends! In fact, I can't stand people who are always trying to be the center of attention & stealing everyone's thunder.
You are very strong-willed, even bordering on stubborn. You like to take care of yourself before helping others, although you will never let people down. All true
We have a Mary Poppins in our midst
I'm so pleased you got that.