I reared my children with the fun of Christmas but, not with the "lie" of personhood for the character of Santa. They have the same happy Christmas time as other kids, however, they feel they are special because they see other children "fooled" while they are "in the know". It helps them observe the role of belief in fooling people without taking away the fun of a celebration.
That is such a sad comment. My children never new the fantasy of Santa Claus and I regret it so much. Seeing my 4 year old grandson, so enthralled with Santa last Christmas, and hugging him, was just a delight. All kids figure it out, that it isn't real, but the fantasy is absolutely harmless. When I was growing up as a JW, from age 4, I just thought Santa didn't come to our house anymore. I learned two years ago, that my then 8 year old grandson thought the same thing. They celebrate it now, and I'm sure he knows the truth, but his little brother doesn't yet. I don't think you have scarred your kids, but your attitude is very sad.
to dream, imagine, fantasize , and not have that sourpuss JW attitude that everything whimsical is bad
Excellent, comment, outnfree.