Someone from started a thread today on this forum. I went there and lo and behold at the top of the page are related links, including Silent Lambs and JWD. I really don't think Silent Lambs website is going downhill. Au contraire.
silent lambs has failed..
by the mole 78 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
it seem that the most post on this thread was rev malk..nothing postive or upbuiding just alot of post....
oh, now it's my turn to get shit on?
the mole
wow awsome post. alot of hits. thanks all of you. my point was made. sometimes a single voice does matter. i was informed that the editor of sl will make changes and will not acknowledge those who wish to pollute the site. to some of you who took it personal, why? unless you know abuse, seen abuse, and witnessed the conduct of those in charge in the hall this should have been a learning experience. to those of you who understood and sent me one on one emails, thank you for your support. Love to all of you. the mole
Well, i don't do a hell of a lot, but i do put SL brochures in jw magazines in laundromats, etc., I also stand next to JW's in streetwork with the same brochures. They usually leave.
the mole
thanks avishai for your good efforts. i had more than 2100 hits and more emails than i could imagine. i hope many of you including you avishai read my post for the last several years in sl site and you will see one theme, to speak out and stand up for what is right. i never knew i had so many who enjoyed my post in the sl site. next month i will put together another update. i have more info on another scandal in my hall. im not a regular but my friends and family sure like to talk to me. my library is the biggest that i know of in sacramento and they always come to me when they want to look at an old book. my last reponse to this thread. time to move on. the mole
i see nothing wrong with the SL website other than the fact that people use the guestbook as a forum. i pointed this out to bill when i met him in 2002. i spent some time talking to him then, and not once did i get any hint that he had an ego problem. Bill has done a great deal to bring this issue to public attention, not only in the US but in many other lands around the world. the Panorama program in the UK had its biggest ever viewing audience when it showed SL. many abuse survivors are being helped, and being abled to help others too. all this, because one man decided to do soemthing about it. if it wasnt for him, the jovo's would still be preaching to people that this sort of thing doesnt happen in god's clean organisation. how bill can actually disgust anyone is totally beyond me.
Kim's post really summed it up and resonates with me.
Bill's work has hit the evil empire hard and by extension, we all owe a debt of gratitude to Sheila as well.
BB has been on the receiving end of schadenfreude (even from his parents) who invariably say, "See what happens when you leave Jehovah?".
Meanwhile, divorce is pandemic among JW's.
It's sad that it is subtly seen on this board even now.
We all have flaws, but Bill's stellar quality is that he has balls of brass.
Keep the dream alive Bill!
Sheila, you are truly a kind and loving person and I wish you the very best.
Has Bill got an ego?
Sure he has, and he's needed it and some big brass ones, to do what he's done.I wonder how many people judge an individual without ever meeting them?
I've seen it regularly here, over Simon, and I used to see it often with Bill.
I've met both, and have a lot of respect for both.Bill and I shared a trailer, during a weekend conference in 2002 where the main focus was Child Abuse (PleasureDome and Brummie were there, also). His heart was for the battle and he's poured a good deal of his life into it.
I also wonder what the antagonists are doing, besides sniping at causes, such as this?
Silent Lambs has no way failed, and I hope it continues on to yield the results it deserves!
I'm over my rant...
Thanks guys..
Kimberlee d.