I just got off the telephone with my Mom. She wants me to take this brochure and I don't want it. She tells me that they were instructed at the Covention to only give it to those who showed an interest, and in other words not to waste these on those who don't seem like they deserve it! (my words based on my conversation with Mum). Also this was the only publication released at the convention. It is just a magazine sized brochure. Why only one release. What do you make of all this?
New Brochure released at District Convention
by anew 16 Replies latest jw friends
Hey anew, get the book and tell us how close the Big A is now.........should be right around the corner, 'cording to uh..."prophecy".
Also, tell us what de no good 'postates are up to these days.......we can never be too careful!
lol Mary I should take it. My Mum tells me that it emphasises what urgent times we live in. I just hate to get her hopes up that I will come back and I will not. I could never live that life again.
and in other words not to waste these on those who don't seem like they deserve it!
Well since no one on earth deserves this trash I guess they will save a lorra money.
The WTS seems to release a shitty brochure at every convention (it's that, or another shitty tract). The brochures are usually just a bunch of recycled crap.
Why only one release. What do you make of all this?
The well has run dry. The car is out of gas. They lost the map and are waiting for someone to come along w directions. Old father hubbard's pantry is empty, but rover must be kept under controll, lest he find a new source for his meals. Want some pizza?
They lost the map and are waiting for someone to come along w directions.
No they didn't, they released a brochure full of maps last year! Maybe they got lost following their own maps?
What are they saying? Only the R&F will be saved? I am amazed at how stupid I was to accept this crap for sooooo long. And now other people are doing the same. I'm w/ Satanus... control that li'l doggy, before he turns and bites nip nip
My family gave me one after the convention, too, and I thumbed through it. It is one of the "kingdom news" tracts to get them all enthused about field service again. I heard that in the month of October they will be trying to get to everyone with it. It just seemed like the same old, same old. Very similar to the one that was released about 5 or 6 years ago. Interestingly, I don't think that this one is worded as strongly as the last one was. I was a bit suprised. It seems almost like the old "paradise" brochure.
My Mum tells me that it emphasises what urgent times we live in.
Well, dang. What a novel idea. How come they never thought of emphasizing THAT before? I think they may be on to a brand new bag.
*Que in the James Brown music.