Just to put up the quote out of context might start a little war on this board. That was not my intention and I'm fairly sure it's not yours. This is just part of a growing theory that I have shared with a few others and is more in-depth than what I originally posted.
For a better grasp of what I am saying, I will post what I wrote on Terry's thread about fantasies here to help some who may read this thread gain the full perspective. I don't really want to piss off my Christian friends on the board (some of them can get a bit crabby).
Thanks and glad you liked it.
An imagination is a terrible thing to waste. I think I see where you are coming from and it parallels a theory that I share with a few others.
Fiction and fantasy taken to the point of belief and the faith has proven to keep many in the dark and give false hope by those who cannot see between it, and in your face reality.
Mixing human nature, history, psychology, entertainment and mans need to examen their own spirituality had given us the numerous religions we have today and have had for thousands of years.
Just reading the bible as well as other religion's epic writings shows how fantasy, that is converted to myth, and mistaken as history, has done that perfectly. The lack of knowledge of science, physics, and human nature shows the stories to be of pure myth time and time again.
The bible writers did not know their stories would be later examined and put to the test of scientific fact or fiction. They also did not have the communication technology that would eventually expose how they took older myths from older religious and made it part of their own. The hand me down pseudo science of those days that was turned into religion, can only be held to any resemblance of fact by qualifying it's outrageous stories to be true by replacing the word "fact" with the emotional and very effective word and concept of "faith". Mix that with the fear of god distorting you if you do not believe, and you have what we have today.
I can easily see how a modern day child who now watches TV, plays video games, reads Harry Potter books and has a large collection of super hero action figure was once a child who sat around a camp fire and listened to traveling merchants tell stories about mysterious god like super hero people. I think people crave entertainment more than they crave spirituality. Listening to these traveling merchants bring back stories from the far off lands they visited and mix it with tales of miracles, supreme beings, wars, seven headed wild beasts and virgin births must have captivated their eager audience's imaginations.
People do not change much through out history. They like to tell stories, be entertained, embellish stories to make them more interesting and astonishing and come off as someone in the know. With the limited knowledge of things we take for granted now, it was, back then, easy to say what ever you wanted without worrying about someone standing up in the middle of your story and saying "prove it".
In that aspect I can see where fantasy is dangerous. But, if you can be entertained by it and later show it to be, exactly what it is, it's just entertainment. If it is mistaken as fact, converted to fanatical faith that influences ones actions that may eventually kill off millions of people throughout history, then it is a bad thing. Some things never change, back in the bible times you had the battle between good and evil. In our time, we have Star Wars and various other science fiction epics that continue to tell the story about the battle between good and evil. Separating fact and fiction isn't always fun, but it has been going on through out history. Just count the people who stand in like to see the opening of a Star Wars movie and then count those who stand in line to hear a factual scientific and archeological proven event and you'd be lucky to fill Burger King dining room.