Well in an attempt to question and learn more about the bible as was suggested to me by various people, I attended church with a friend. Afterwards I spoke with the preacher, and asked him about some of the things I had learned from the JW. He quickly disregarded what i told him and pointed out a few scriptures, I showed him more that backed up what I had been taught. He told me not to read into it to much. Now what does that mean? I was very upset after this encounter. Don't read into things to much. He also was very brief and just left me without finishing our conversation. So another bad encounter with religious figures. Has this happened to anyone else? Why are people so mean to me. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh people suck
Stupid people
by tattoogrl333 16 Replies latest jw experiences
im stupid
Hey Tattoogirl
Please dont take it personally, the problem is because of the concept of religion itself not a judgement of your mental abilities.
Religion attemps to explain the unexplainable. Whenever you examine religions closely, any religion, you will find holes starting to appear. This is because you are exposing the very foundation of all religion, exposing the fact that in the end, WE JUST DONT KNOW!!
With different religions, this probing wall occurs at different levels.
Some religions cater for the general and some to the specific.
Catholicism is a very general religion and its core "I dont know" level is quickly reached.
Jehovahs Witnesses and Scientology are "technical" religions with multitudes of in depth "explainations" that often overlap and cause confusion. But it takes a lot more probing before the "I dont know" level is reached with these ones.
This is also why religion is such a personal matter. Each of us require differnent levels of "explaination" and from a different point of view.
People are not quite so stupid, although its not an entirely innacurate description, they are just struggling to explain something that they have no way of understanding.
Hi Tattoo,
Along with what BugEye said, I would point out that people you talk to, being religious, has as their motivation to convince you to see things their way. From what you've told me it sounds as though the preacher you spoke to was trying to do this.
If you're interested in the bible, why don't you read up on other Christian literature yourself and compare them to what the witnesses say? I'm sorry if you've already mentioned this in a previous message, but do you come from a Christian background and accept the bible as inspired? I was just trying to get an idea of the background behind this. Thanks.
"It is not so much that you use your mind wrongly--you usually don't use it at all. It uses you. This is the disease." -Eckhart Tolle, The Power of Now
Thanks Bug that definitely did shed some light on the issue. I didn't mean to call people stupid in general, I just get tired of people judging others from the outside. Although I admit that we all do it. I come from a family who thought religion was for the those who couldn't accept that there are just some things we can't explain. Maybe in some way they are right, but just hoping that there is someone out there who really cares about me and is willing to forgive me makes life seem a whole lot more inviting.
hey girl,
just hoping that there is someone out there who really cares about me and is willing to forgive me makes life seem a whole lot more inviting.
Well, if you think about it - you would be the first to do that for yourself. Some people, women more likely, (I am one - I can say this) look to outside influences to know what to feel about themselves. We've been taught to do this for generations.
One way to really learn about the Bible and it's history, is to read, read, read. Read lots of people's opinions. History - but the history of the people behind the bible - ancient times. It makes the bible so much more interesting.
I'm reading "The Red Tent" right now - which is about Dinah. So little is said about her in the bible - and this book is conjecture, but it gives background into what a woman's life was like back then. It's quite good, about Rachel, Leah, Jacob, Dinah (pronounced Dee'nah).
Just think your way through it instead of feeling your way. So much safer in the long run.
Nice to meet you. Have you been over to the Hello? Hello? threads? You can learn a little about a lot of the posters here.
After re-reading the posts in the thread so far, a few other things come to mind.
Bug, it's a good point that you make about how in the end we don't really know, though I would point out that strictly speaking, we can only make that statement with others who agree with us, that is to say it starts with I don't really know. I like what you said about it being a personal matter in terms of we require different explanations etc, though for the same reason our ignorance is also our own.
Tattoo, what you've expressed about a desire for someone who cares and is willing to forgive is basically a desire for security, and we've been talking about that in the Main message board. There is a thread on Why Bad Beliefs Don't Die and there were some quotes which I posted under Intelligent Scrutiny and security that I think also touches on this point. You know what though, regardless of your beliefs there are many out there who cares and is willing to forgive you...
(edited for this additional note:)
I wanted to clarify what I meant by a desire for security in this context Tattoo - in your case you're not searching because you're afraid of mortality or something, but from what you've expressed it is kind of like the security in a relationship, a relationship with a personal God. Sorry I guess it was kind of vague before."It is not so much that you use your mind wrongly--you usually don't use it at all. It uses you. This is the disease." -Eckhart Tolle, The Power of Now
You are welcome.
People are often "stupid" and superficial. This is a direct result of the complexity and un-knowable-ness of the deeper things in life. For most people, its all just too hard and they focus only on things that the feel the ability to understand and or control.
This is also why many people have serious control issues. Deeper the thinking that they do, the more that they realise just how much of the world is out of their control, and the stronger their desire to gain some semblence of control. Controling people are really just people with deep fears and who lack the ability to see their "unknowns" for what they are.
I have no f**king idea!!!
Thats my statement out of the way.
Welcome to the church brother.
"It is not so much that you use your mind wrongly--you usually don't use it at all. It uses you. This is the disease." -Eckhart Tolle, The Power of Now