I am asking any who could take the time-to send encouragement to an ex JW-she was raised as one- Her Mother died for refusing blood...she married out of the org- & was dfellowshipped. The fellow she married was an alcholic---didnt understand her feelings about being ousted!!!!!A couple of months ago she tried to kill herself.Why???? She divorced her hubby -( they have 3 kids) about two years ago-
Since then -he joined AA straigned himself out, but found a new lady in the AA. All her kids 19-20- 22 yrs old) left home!!! So there is the empty nest....
Well Monday last she tried it again- THIS time nearly succeeded, This time she said "Oh I didnt take enough"
If any on board would like to let her know- She is not alone!!!!! Drop her a card at the hospital( e-mail me I will give the address) She called me again today! Said she likes my "kick in the pants" I give!!! All I try to do is tell her . The WT loves it when folks "oft out!" They say "See what happens when they go into the world"!!!!!
I am sorry to ask again for those who pray >do so for Barb & for the others please send good vibes her way in Woodstock Ontario!!!!!
Love to you all
Mouthy/Grace/ Granny.
Grace I am editing some of your posts. They seem to come with a background image that says you have spyware on your computer. And the image makes it hard to read your message. PS Glad you haven't left us completely