good let dicuss things irrationaly can you do it!
maybe god is a sociopath think of that.
infitnily alone can do that to you.
think like this
you see a machine broken with people arround looking at it asking questions
how did it break
who broke it
how do we fix it
who will fix it
while there arguing you walk see it broken
don't say a word to them
you go find a manual
and start to fix it
you have trouble you go get help
machine fixed
mean while those people are ticked that you did not answer the qusetions before you started working
you did because you were tired of it being broken and the three wise men arguing
I lose alot of games but I don't stop playing I adapt and learn
you never find a weakness when you stop
merovigian : it's amazing how this patern of love resembles insanity