HOW DO YOU determine what is the "good" thing for you to do, to think, to obtain?
Well, from a purely personal point of view I believe balance can, most of the time, produce good in the things I do. And therefore those things which I cannot practice in a balanced way, such as addicitive behaviors and so on, should be avoided. But though I know this for me is good I am unable to always practice it.
As for what I believe is good for me to think, that is something which for me continues to evolve. I used to believe my thinking processes were good but of late that is being re-evaluated and for now I am more content to sit quiet and listen and learn from the more balanced voices in the world rather than those who polarize. I suppose then balance is also my aim when it comes to what I think, it's just that I'm not yet ready to practice it in an intelligent way so I remain a learner. For instance, I believe both major political parties have something good to contribute but they insist on trampling one another. A balanced view would recognize that neither one has all the answers and that co-operation between them is the best thing, the balanced thing, the thing which will bring the most good to the American people. But just how such a true co-operation between these two conflicting and polarizing parties can be accomplished eludes me so I am content to listen and learn, recognizing my limitations on that subject.
When it comes to what is good to obtain there are I suppose 3 questions that can be asked. Can I afford it? Will it be detrimental to my family? Will it bring some pleasure into my life and that of my family?