I believe children have the purest form of logic. It's not all muddled up with reality and over-analysis. They take things for face value. Sure the way they think and solve problems isnt always the conformed correct way to do it, but it sure as hell is logical. My 7 year old nephew tells me some of the most logical things sometimes.
by czarofmischief 17 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
There should be a rule that world rulers have to be under age 8, and when they reach that age they should be replaced.
Of course there would need to be groundrules about diet, throwing toys out of the box, and curfew, but the world would IMHO be a happier place...
Amen!! All of our foreign affairs problems could be solved with a tic tac toe game or a pie eating contest. Or if things got REALLY ugly we'd decide it by whoever's dad was the biggest.
I recommend that anybody who liked this thread should read Terry Pratchett's Hogfather. What a guy. What a guy... Ugh, I feel a little woozy, I'm back to bed.
czarofmischief says:So why is logic so annoying? I'll tell you why - because it doesn't do any good. You can reason your way around all day and you'll still be the first one voted off the island. Whereas the one who can inspire the masses is the one sitting with the immunity necklace.
Thank you for this post!
I think I understand you better now and I do like you. We actually have a lot in common; especially in seeing the injustice in things.
I like your Survivor analogy! I am a big fan. It helps me to see that, when it comes to group dynamics, alliances trump individual thinkers. Gangs rule the world; no doubt about it. But, I would offer you this. Everything that has pushed mankind further ahead and made life better; improved the "quality" of life in general has been accomplished by thinking persons; logical people, creative and intelligent persons.
I am no good at dealing with groups of people. I can't simply nod my head and go along to get along. I always end up in the crosshairs because I think for myself. That steps on toes. I am working on finding the skill to stay low-profile without giving up my right to voice my mind. So far, I'm failing.
For what it might be worth.....
my eldest son waited to get married until he had a good job and had saved money. He waited to have a baby until he and his wife had a house, furniture, insurance, two new cars, all the boy-toys like stereo, bigscreen tv, surround sound, hundreds of DVDs etc. THEN they had their baby girl. He was much, much smarter than I was and he and his family have far fewer struggles than I ever did.
So, I asked him, "Son, how come you were so wise to do it this way?"
His answer shocked me.
"Dad, I didn't want to live my life the way you told me yours was."
No that is logic in action!
Is logic poison? Someone should tell someone.
Maybe kids wouldn't be so annoying? I mean, that kid who knew all the facts in school got beat upa lot for a reason. He was annoying! I should know, I dangled many a time over the toilet bowl of opprobrium thanks to my grasp of science, math, and theology.
Ah, so we let fear and the stupid rule us. As ideas go that is, unsurprisingly, frighteningly stupid.
So why is logic so annoying? I'll tell you why - because it doesn't do any good. You can reason your way around all day and you'll still be the first one voted off the island. Whereas the one who can inspire the masses is the one sitting with the immunity necklace.
Errr... you seem to think (okay, you're drunk so maybe this doesn't represent your finest intelectual hour) charisma and leadership as personal qualities exclude logic. They don't. But people are generally dumb enough to accept charismatic leaders without looking 'under the hood'. And since when was reality TV in any way real? There is no "long game" in realty TV, thus to consider that it any way presents some microcosm of human existence is severely mistaken, as mostly people are playng a "long game", and one that doesn't involve a simple prize but rather a 'prize' made up of many different things. In real life you also tend to have to live with your actions more; in reality TV you're neevr gonna see those losers in a million years afterwards so you can act in a way you normally wouldn't due to the long-term reprecussions of acting that way.
Dreams are better than reality. It's just the way it is. You don't get married for forty miserable years, cancer, and death. You get married for a dream. Sure, it doesn't always work, in fact it usually doesn't. But sometimes, that one in a million marriages, makes it through. Sometimes.
Okay, break out the violins, Czar's getting his period/mid-life crisis/weeks supply of beer down his throat in one evening. Maudlin drunks blow big chunks.
While we are at it: why don't we just allow children to be children?
Next person to treat children like they are a different species gets to stand in the cybercorner.
Okay, break out the violins, Czar's getting his period/mid-life crisis/weeks supply of beer down his throat in one evening. Maudlin drunks blow big chunks.
Burn in hell, you teetotalling sum-biatch. I am feeling a little... less than fresh, though, maybe a minty tushie wipe will help.
Ah, so we let fear and the stupid rule us. As ideas go that is, unsurprisingly, frighteningly stupid.
It's not a question of "let". It's a question of the raw application of force. Who is smarter? Tiberius with his "people are swine" philosophy, or Ghandi, pegged by one of his own? Answer: neither, they're both DEAD and that's all there is to it. Dead and mostly forgotten, and everything they built is ashes and dust.
Gawd, I can't believe I have to be at work in two hours...