by josephus 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • josephus

    i cant help but think some of you guys are just TOOOOO angry for your past hurts.

    weve all got terrible stories which can make us cry, but whats the motivation for such bitterness ?

    some people search out pervets, seemingly to lay these scumbags and their faults at the societys door.

    others try to use thier bad times as an excuse to rubbish the entire religion.

    I AM NOT SAYING that jws are great, or that the society is perfect or undeserving of punishment.

    but why are we not trying to even up the GOOD POINTS of the religion.


    and then try to remember the GOOD times you all had at the meetings. the laughs and the help you gave, and received
    from others.

    ALL religions are off the mark. but why arent you trying to dissuade people from joining them.

    remember catholics ? the inquisition ? all the wars, all the hate, and we waste time trying to destroy an
    insigniffagant religion which does a lot of good, as well as bad.

    i just dont get you guys. ive had a terribvle time as a witness, and i will never sing because people have been disspirited and left religion.


  • Francois

    There are religions, and then there are cults.

    And the JWs are a cult. A dangerous, divisive cult which destroys. And even though some religions have at one time or another been destructive, most by this age are reformed and are liberal organizations that attempt to lead. Lead! Big difference in being led as against being driven. And the WT drives, it never leads.

    I could give examples of how Hitler and the Nazis improved German life too for a time. But overall, the Nazis were scum. Same with the JWs.


    Where it is a duty to worship the Sun you can be sure that a study of the laws of heat is a crime.

  • zev

    yes, and when things are revealed about your "mother" like the things revealed about the wtbts "mother", and after the faith that "we" put in her as "gods channel" on earth, ...

    we have every damn right to be bitter!

    Now feeling the pain of sitting on the pickets class.

  • You Know
    You Know

    The Scriptures say that wicked ones are perverts from the womb and that they are like venomous serpents "that will not listen to the voice of charmers, though someone wise is binding them with spells." That describes many apostates who are simply insane with venom and rage against mom and dad and the Watchtower Society. True, some of those seduced by apostasy are guileless ones, but most seem to be the rabid species. / You Know

  • zev

    well something must have bitten you in the ass then.
    check your shorts.

    Now feeling the pain of sitting on the pickets class.

  • D wiltshire
    D wiltshire


    I believe that there are a lot of christian groups that are more harmfull than good, to belong to.

    Many get very authoritarian and make all kinds of laws that one must follow our else suffer rebukes or DF or some other form of punishment at the hands of so called men of God.

    Many of these groups also claim to be the only ones that God is going to save, and everybody not a part of their group is in line for divine jugdement of some kind.

    The Jws fit this pattern don't you think.

    Many members are very hurt that come out of these groups. They need some kind of healing, they often lose family members, suffer in many ways. And not because they are bad people, but because the leaders of some of these groups are playing GOD. And have put a label on them thats says to former members (EVIL,ROTTEN,CURSED,STAY AWAY). So I hope I have explained a little to you the situation.

    I don't hate any one, and those that have left the Org. and accept Christ alone as their master recover from such hurt. But they will expose the WT for what it is in christian love to help others.

  • NameWithheld
    but why are we not trying to even up the GOOD POINTS of the religion.


    and then try to remember the GOOD times you all had at the meetings. the laughs and the help you gave, and received
    from others.

    I'm not sure what rock you were hiding under, but every hall I went too had more than it's share of all of the above. People are people, no matter what label they put on, and people do the above things. Some get caught, some don't. Some who are caught are given the beatings - while others 'get away' with it. All depends on who you 'know'. "NO DRUGS" ha ha ha ha ha ha - there was more drug/alcahol abuse amongst the young JW's I knew than you could shake a stick at.

    Now as to the 'good times' - they were never at the meetings. They were always socializing away from meetings and usually involved 'pleasures of the flesh' as it were, eating, drinking, etc. During younger days it also involved getting as close to the members of the female species as often as possible too. Meetings were simply tolterated since if you missed them you fell 'out of the loop' and began not to be invited to all those wonderful 'bring a dish' social events. Let's not even get into the barely bearable 'spiritual food' being dispensed. Ugg. Boring even before I knew it was total BS.

    ALL of the 'good' things about this 'religion' are present in people all over the place - because people are people, and some are good/pleasant, some are not. I enjoy the same things in life now as I did then, I just don't have to tolerate conditional 'love' and boring meetings to impress my 'friends'. Now I can be freinds with people simply for the fact that we enjoy similar activities.

  • Tesha


    Because of this religion, I haven’t seen my little brothers and sister for the past three years.

    So yes to answer your question, I am bitter.


    Good day.


  • Windchaser

    The jw cult did a number on me and lots of people. I don't think that I am bitter, though. Would I defend them? Absolutely not. Would I say that they have some good in them? Why would I, when they have caused so much hurt and alienation and pain. They are human and they do whatever they can get away with.

    How can I be bitter, though, when I've hurt, alienated and caused pain to people, too? I look at my life now and I look at my future. I look at myself and try to improve. And, I am grateful that there are people who are bringing jw evils out in the open, helping those who have been severely wronged.

  • ozziepost

    G'day Josephus,

    Your point would be well made except for one thing: the WTS claims to be standing in the place of God and claims to be the only means of salvation. That places them in the 'big league' of dangerous movements. Your claim that the Catholics with the Inquisition were just as bad heads down the same Dub trail of reasoning.

    Christians understand that the Bible nowhere teaches that God places an organisation to supervise His interests. The scriptures show clearly that any relationship with a spiritual creator/Father is through the Mediator He has appointed, namely the Son, Jesus. True, many have done disgusting things in God's name throughout history, but that is not a reflection on my own faith, whether I choose to gather for worship/praise with catholics or whatever, is immaterial. Are they Christian? is the only concern. Well, that's how I understand the Christian's position, anyway.

    Cheers, Ozzie

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