First off...SS inspired me to write this. I don't think he'll mind me saying this cuz I'm patting him on the back for it.
In a PM he said " Live life each day to the fullest...what do ya thing Gumby"?
I didn't know how to answer him. I didn't know if he meant to live each day as though it was your last, or to live each day the best you can and get all out of that day you can for the good, or just do the normal routine of everyday living....or what.???? I think I wrote him back saying I didn't know what that meant and I chose the latter of my said choices above in italics.
Anyway...he's a good lad and made me think, .....but I still don't know what it means.
Please tell the Gumbastard the meaning of what it means to" Live life to the fullest".
And thanks SS ....ya barstard