A large percentage of what you find on these discussion boards is opinion. Someone posts a fact or two and then everyone gives you their opinion of it based on what is presented, other facts they might be aware of, personal experience and/or gut reactions. Then each person tends to determine how valid that opinion is based on how well it is presented, what it seems to be based on and probably how it jives with their own opinion.
That's why they call it a discussion board...we discuss how we feel, think, view different topics. In other words, we give our opinions on everything, even when they don't agree with the person who started the thread or other viewpoints contained therein the thread. Personally I find it interesting to see alternate viewpoints even when they don't agree with mine. And I have been known like E-man to change my opinion after reading, pondering and researching the opinions of others.
Course this is all just MY opinion.