Many people know this man and his history...his life.
Shame on the U.S., once more.
by D8TA 31 Replies latest social current
Many people know this man and his history...his life.
Shame on the U.S., once more.
I saw him perform in 1976. My very first concert - I won tickets on the radio. What a marvelous evening.
The "powers that be" didn't want el gato loitering D.C. looking for a moonshadow.
I've been outraged about a lot of people on "watch lists" but not this one. He strongly supported the fatwah against Salmon Rushdie and I wouldn't be at all surprised to find he's been supporting people who are proclaiming their animosity toward the US.
I was pretty surprised when I heard this on the news, but after hearing why they did it, I completely understand. He supports many groups that support terrorism.
I watched an interview of Cat Stephens on tv. The subject of his converting to a muslem came up. He gave a lot of reasons for his conversion.
Then he was asked if he thought "that it was acceptable to kill infidels, non believers".
He squirmed around and dodged the question. He would not say, that killing non believers was wrong or that he didn't accept that concept.
Good on Home Security.
He earned and deserved the treatment he got.
I was not surprized because he has been muslim for decades. It's kind of odd because isn't he Greek? Very sad. And he supports the cause of alqueda? What a waste. I guess he now knows what it's like to be followed by a moonshadow moonshadow.
Ted Kennedy was kicked off a plane because he too was on the US Terrorist "Watch" List. (I'm not making this up.)
At least the Government got THAT one right!
Cat Stevens ...???
Maybe it's not time to make a change.