Words to Live By - What are Yours?

by pettygrudger 32 Replies latest jw friends

  • pettygrudger

    In trying to deal with the everyday realities of our existence, we usually pick "catch phrases" or principles with which we use to try & guide our life, growth & development. What are yours?

    In my case, the #1 thing that I try to live by is to take what is mine & own it. Yep, I didn't have the best circumstances growing up, and had some pretty crappy things that happened to me as a child. But, once I became an independent adult, the only person I could hold accountable for myself was myself. Marrying the first worldly boy that asked, without using proper judgement, was MY fault. Sure, it was based on the wrong programming, but in order to undo this programming, I had to accept & realize that it was MY programming that led me to be in the relationship I was. He could be an abusive jerk till the sun turned blue - I am the one that chose to be with him, marry him, bear a child by him, and to eventually leave him. In order to grow, the only way we can imho is to learn from our mistakes, which is ours & ours alone. I had a friend tell me when discussing this last evening that I wasn't giving myself a "break". I had to think about that & conclude that in my case, I didn't deserve one. I'm glad I don't give myself one - or I'd probably be with another abusive jerk in one way or another.

    #2 - That today is a new day - and the beginning of the rest of my life. Who I am today, what I want to be, where I want to go - these are all ahead of me in the future. The past should only be a reference point in figuring out why I'm not where I want to be, where I dropped the ball along the way, and how to avoid the same pitfalls in the future.

    So, what words do you live by?

  • gumby

    "Love your fellowman as yourself" ...........................but it ain't easy sometimes.

    Nice to hear from you Rhonda!


  • Bryan

    Do on to others as you would have done on to you.


  • lawrence

    You got to die to be born again.

    You got to lose yourself, to find yourself.

  • pettygrudger

    Thanks Gumby

  • Preston

    "Don't do anything I wouldn't do, and that includes nude sky diving and bible study"

  • Brummie

    >>>hugs Pg<<<

    1, You cant see up when you are looking down.

    2, When you see a snake never mind where he came from. (stole that off slippys board)


  • catchthis

    I can't say that I have a specific phrase, but here's my take on life -- Once you leave the JW's, either mentally or officially, you need to come to terms that you will die in your lifetime. You need to put out of your mind that you will live through armageddon into a paradise earth. It is hard to do because even I catch myself at times thinking about it. Immediately I have to tell myself that I am not thinking clearly and to remember 1975, the UN thing, etc. It helps to have a barrage of information like that to counter the old JW style of thinking to prove to yourself that the Org was always wrong in the first place. As soon as I began looking at my life this way, I found a new respect on life, primarily for other people that I am always around. Before, I always saw those same people as the living dead. What good would it do for me to bother caring for them if god was gonna kill them off anyways, right? These days, it is totally different.

    I think most ex-JW's deep down wonder if armageddon will actually come in their lifetime. Some may even vocally oppose it saying it cannot happen since the bible is purely fictional. But since you lived the JW life before, it IS a part of your person, something you can never get rid of. There will always be that small, little nagging doubt if you made the right choice. But here again, if you die, you are going to know what is on the other side. Heaven, hell, ghost walking the earth, reincarnation, resurrection, or whatever your idea of rebirth is, it's going to happen if one of those unknowns actually exist. And if it just happens to be the JW version, well then guess what? Jehovah wipes your slate clean and you are resurrected.

    catchthis, feeling the need to go do volunteer work now

  • catchthis

    p.s. forgot to add ---- Rhonda, are you now divorced??

  • Mulan

    "Have big, outstanding dreams, and go for them." AND "Don't be a dream stealer. Support other people's dreams."

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