crucifixation or upright stake

by cakes 45 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • shotgun
    But that is only a guess. I just got a message today that someone wanted to translate something I wrote into French so it could be put up on a French website

    I have that happen all the time as well but frig them, I'm tired of giving out my fondue recipes...damn those french..except babyface...cuz her boyfriend might beat me up.

    Is it possible that the confusion of the cross and stake story does not matter that much if the whole story is in question?

    Does it seem likely that three men impaled on stakes which seemingly make it impossible to breath let alone talk struck up a conversation while in this position. Not only a conversation but an argument which ended with the sole verse used by the WT to support the Paradise earth teaching which they cling to. Would it seem more plausible if we nailed them to crosses instead of stakes, not really.

    After reading Who wrote the Gospels and Is the bible the word of God by Joseph Wheyless I don't put too much faith in the bible accounts and disregard anything taught as truth by the WTBTS including the stake theory.

  • Terry

    Historically it seems plausible and likely that hanging a punished person up for public view would accomplish a couple of things from the standpoint of the one punishing.

    1.Look here! This person did not get away with their evil deed.

    2.Let this be a lesson to you. If you screw up this can happen to you.

    3.I'm not one to be messed with; see what I can do to you if you offend me?

    4.Not only will an evildoer pay for their crime; they will pay an excruciating price.

    Probably people were hung on trees at first. It requires no hours of sawing, trimming and crafting to hang a person on an existing tree.

    The idea of making a criminal suffer AS LONG AS POSSIBLE works in favor of the cross beam. Punishment isn't punishment if it short and you want them to suffer lingeringly.

    I think it is merest coincidence that the CROSS as an instrument of punishment happens to look exactly like symbols of pagan religions. Lines that intersect are a nexus linking paths that come from the four compass points. Circles are seen everywhere too; but, the circle doesn't mean just one thing at all times.

    Jehovah's Witnesses are mostly an invention of the mind of J.F.Rutherford, in my opinion. He invented the name and the policy of making the members of this oddball religion stand out from the crowd with as many contrarian positions as possible. At one time JW's actually went around teaching that Jesus was clean-shaven even though they were the only ones in the world who took that position. JW's didn't take innoculations to protect against disease or cook in aluminum cookware, etc. This wackiness drew persecution like a magnet. It helped keep JW's in an insular group from being picked on. Then the idea of being a refuge could be promoted.

    In effect, it was :See how badly the world treats you? It proves you are special.

  • Midget-Sasquatch
    He invented the name and the policy of making the members of this oddball religion stand out from the crowd with as many contrarian positions as possible.

    That's the best explanation for stubbornly going against all the evidence to the contrary. The need to separate the group from the one powerful symbol that would link them to the other christian faiths.

    I'd even venture that it would give too much of a focus on Jesus for the Borg's tastes. They want to keep their followers obssessed with the warrior god and his nasty judgement to come, all to keep up their operations.

  • RR

    Does it really matter how he died? The important thing is he died ... for us.


  • Midget-Sasquatch
    I'd even venture that it would give too much of a focus on Jesus for the Borg's tastes.

    I should think more before I spew my feelings on the WT Org.

    I let my antipathy for their view of God bias my thoughts on all sorts of matters. I know the Borg focus heavily on Jesus and the Ransom as well. Please disregard my above statement.

    I still hold to my objective comment before that one though.

  • gumby
    Does it really matter how he died? The important thing is he died ... for us.

    Hey RR.

    From a biblical point of view, most believers know it's irrelavent and that his death was the important issue and that he rose again........but, it matters to those who are trying to find out if the Watchtower society has all their teaching correct or not.

    When these ones find out the Watchtower is wrong about something, they investigate further and when they more is free to believe what their heart tells them instead of a bunch of old decreped bastards

    Sometimes we forget how we thought and felt when doubts first started.


  • johnny cip
    johnny cip

    i have the 1946/52 wt book let god be true; and it says jesus died on a cross. this book even says jesus is to be worshipped. i would guess fred franz wrote the book. so it would seem they still believed in the cross at least till 1952. john

  • RR

    Gumby, that's exactly why I made that statement. The Society loves beating a dead horse. They miss the forest fro the trees, make a mountain out of a molehill.

  • pseudoxristos


    Very fascinating, I always appreciate your research.


  • amac
    and I would guess that I'm much more successful than you with my way. But that is only a guess. I just got a message today that someone wanted to translate something I wrote into French so it could be put up on a French website.

    Sorry, not interested in trading JW Conversion Scene credits, did enough of that as a JW. Just making a sarcastic observation, do with it as you will.

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