But that is only a guess. I just got a message today that someone wanted to translate something I wrote into French so it could be put up on a French website
I have that happen all the time as well but frig them, I'm tired of giving out my fondue recipes...damn those french..except babyface...cuz her boyfriend might beat me up.
Is it possible that the confusion of the cross and stake story does not matter that much if the whole story is in question?
Does it seem likely that three men impaled on stakes which seemingly make it impossible to breath let alone talk struck up a conversation while in this position. Not only a conversation but an argument which ended with the sole verse used by the WT to support the Paradise earth teaching which they cling to. Would it seem more plausible if we nailed them to crosses instead of stakes, not really.
After reading Who wrote the Gospels and Is the bible the word of God by Joseph Wheyless I don't put too much faith in the bible accounts and disregard anything taught as truth by the WTBTS including the stake theory.