This is shameless ...

by Panda 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • Panda

    Well my husband, Mr.Panda has always made me laugh. He's just that kind of guy. He and his buddy put this little number together and I know that some of you will enjoy him as much as I do!!!!

    Let me know what you think. Of course I love the man so it's possible my laughter comes from that...but maybe not.

  • pseudoxristos

    shamelessly funny panda.

    I enjoyed it. (two thumbs up)


  • seeitallclearlynow

    That's fun Panda!

  • Panda

    psuedicristos and seeitall clearly now, Thank you for watching . I told him I want more more more....

  • Panda

    HEY where are all of our comedy lovers?!

  • kgfreeperson

    Does it end at "Yiddle" from above, or am I missing half? It is very good!

  • Panda

    kgfreeperson, Yes that one ends with the yiddle comment. They have shot the next part and will probably get that done this weekend. The two guys are perfect for eachother.Next God has a job for Yiddel.

  • Country Girl
    Country Girl

    Hey! Isn't that a Greek guy speaking from above? I bet that Yiddle has some Ouzo, dolmathes, and gyros in that there cooler when he opens it up, God would never be so cruel to a desert wanderer. Don't you know that manna was really beer and bratwursts? What kinda diner you think God is runnin around here? Knishes and matzos? That's not good for desert travel. Definitely have to have the Ouzo. Loved it. Tell Mr. Panda that I think he's a wonderful movie maker and I can't wait to see more. Oh.. and if he wants to go away with me to Silsby and interview convenience store clerks on my video-corder, he has a job.


    Country Goyle

  • kgfreeperson

    Panda, I am so glad--I have a Macintosh and sometimes things just don't translate very well. I am really looking forward to the next installment.

    PS: I can surely see why you love Mr. Panda.

  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie

    That is SO cute, Mz. Panda! It's a terrific spoof! Can't wait to see the next in their series....Looks like Mr. Panda woulda been grrr-reat in a movie like "The Ten Commandments", eh?


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